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Morgan House Front Doorway with Miss Harriet Morgan.
Miss Harriet Morgan in Front Doorway. Last of the Morgan family to live in the house.
Morgan House Front Doorway
Morgan Front Doorway. Rockingham Street, Bellows Falls, VT.
Morgan House.
Morgan Residence. Rockingham Street, Bellows Falls, VT. Built - 1814.
Morgan House. Built in 1814
Morgan Residence. Rockingham Street, Bellows Falls, VT. Built - 1814
Morgan Homestead. Rockingham Street, Bellows Falls, VT.
Morgan Farmstead. Rockingham Street, Bellows Falls, VT. Built - 1814
Hetty Green and Arms Residences.
Hetty Green and Arms Residences.
Residences: Hetty Green and Arms. Bellows Falls, VT.
Hetty Green Residence. Hetty and Dr. George.
Hetty Green Residence. School Street, Bellows Falls, VT. 7/27/1910. Hetty Green with Dr. O. M. George.
A. H. Fisher Residence. Bellows Falls, VT.
Wyman Flint Residence. Westminster Street, Bellows Falls, VT.
John Robertson Residence. Westminster Street, Bellows Falls, VT.
Morgan Homestead. Rockingham Street, Bellows Falls, VT.
Morgan Homestead. Rockingham Street, Bellows Falls, VT. Photo prior to 1887.
Howard Residence. Old Terrace, Bellows Falls, VT.
Alexander Campbell Residence. Rockingham, VT.
Hon. Alexander Campbell's Residence, built in 1804, and still standing in Rockingham village on the corner of the road to Saxtons River. Owned by Natt L. Divoll.
Howard Residence. Atkinson and Old Terrace.
Dennison Residence. Atkinson and Rockingham Streets.
Alexander Campbell Residence. Rockingham, VT.
Residence. Saxtons River Street, Bellows Falls, VT.
Residence. Center Street, Bellows Falls, VT.
Railway Depot. Bartonsville, VT.
Railway Depot. Bartonsville, VT.
Railway Roundhouse. Near end of Tunnel.
Round House. Bellows Falls, VT. At extreme south end of railroad yard near end of center Canal R.R. bridge.
Railway Roundhouse and "King Post" Turntable
Round House and "King Post" Turntable. At end of Tucker Bridge. No. Walpole, N.H.
Railway Yard and Freight House. Bellows Falls, VT.
Railway Yard and Freight House. Bellows Falls, VT.
Railway Express Office and Carts.
Railway Express Office. Bellows Falls, VT. Express Wagons and Alstead Stage.
Railway Depot Magazine Stand. Bellows Falls, VT.
Depot Magazine Stand. Bellows Falls, VT.
Railway Depot. Bellows Falls, VT.
Railway Depot. Bellows Falls, VT.
Railway Depot and Diamond. Bellows Falls, VT.
Railway Depot. Bellows Falls, VT.
Railway Depot and Freight House. Bellows Falls, VT.
Railway Depot. Bellows Falls, VT. Freight House at extreme right.
Railway Depot. Bellows Falls, VT. Late 1800s.
Railway Depot. Bellows Falls, VT.
Railway Depot. Bellows Falls, VT. Late 1800s.
Railway Depot. Bellows Falls, VT. Late 1800s. Sleeping quarters for railroad men on second floor.
Railway Depot and East Yard. Bellows Falls, VT.
Railway Depot. Bellows Falls, VT. Built - 1849.
Club House: Masonic Temple. Westminster Street.
Masonic Temple. Westminster Street, Bellows Falls, VT.
Loading for a Sunday Cruise Up the River.
Member's Boat: "Gibbie".
Member's Boat, "Gibbie". Bellows Falls Boat Club.
Bellows Falls Boat Club Regatta. 7/4/1910
Regatta. 7/4/1910. Bellows Falls Boat Club
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