Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes: Monday, May 13, 2013


4:45 PM at 300 Bridge Street, Bellow Falls

In Attendance: Jan Mitchell-Love, Hope Brisette, Laura Senes, David Buckley, Deborah Wright, Pat Fowler, Paige Pietrzak, Carolyn Frisa, Steven Fuller (arrived at 5:15) and Célina Houlné.
Public members in attendance: Martha E. Rowley, Carol Blackwood, Willis D. “Chip” Stearns II, Donna Stevens, Nancy Witherill, Susan W. Brace, Ponnie Derby, Michel Joseph Lucian LaLiberté, Deborah A. Wetzel, Adam Wetzel, Martha Deacon, Susan Venman, Guy Payne, Allegra Maskell, Samantha Maskell, Roberta Streeter, Barbara Stickney, Jackie Hewitt, Bob Hewitt, David Gould, John Janiszyn, Stephen Geller, Emily Zervas, Ed Graves, Ian Eddy, Mark Piepkorn, Beth Elaine Smallheer, Susan Warner, Edward Warner, Nancy Korakeff, Arnold Clift, Elayne Clift, Kathleen Michel, Moira Brace, Ronald Lake, Serena Hickey, and Jeremy Maskell. (One name on the attendance sheet was signed and not legible).
Representatives from the press: Susan Smallheer (Rutland Herald), Chris Garofolo (Eagle Times), Domenic Poli (Brattleboro Reformer). Filmed by Joe Brisette.

1. Call to order at 4:54 PM

2. Executive Session- if necessary: not necessary.

3. Discuss accuracy, professionalism, and legality of minutes: how to move forward.

List of draft and unapproved minutes:
April 8th trustees regular meeting
April 17th trustees special meeting
May 1st trustees special meeting
May 6th trustees special meeting

Deborah Wright made a motion to form a committee to review the minutes of April 8th, April 17th, May 1st and May 6th to check for accuracy, professionalism and legality, and to then bring recommendations back to the full board. This motion seconded by Hope Brisette, passed with a vote of 5 in favor, 2 opposed and 1 abstention. Jan Mitchell-Love and Pat Fowler volunteer to be on this committee. Steven Fuller will be asked if he would like to be on the committee.

Carolyn Frisa made a motion that all draft minutes from this time forward will have ‘DRAFT’ stamped across it. This motion seconded by Deborah Wright, passed unanimously.

It was also agreed by consensus that all draft minutes will be retained.

4. Director’s Monthly Report and Financial Report:
Célina Houlné reviewed the Director’s monthly report. Reports a successful book and plant sale, in which the Friends of the Library raised over $500. Also, reports failing phone system that will be replaced during the renovation. She has received 3 bids, and the cost will be about $2600.

Célina Houlné reviewed the financial report. A motion was made by Deborah Wright to move the bill for expenses of propane from the renovation budget to the operating budget. This motion seconded by Steven Fuller, passed unanimously. Célina Houlné can approve the work order as soon as possible.

5. Review access to Board meeting minutes: Célina Houlné proposed this agenda item, to clarify a decision made at the April 8 meeting, #6 on the agenda. Draft minutes will not be posted online, but will be available upon request within five business days of the meeting. Carolyn Frisa recommended posting online approved minutes for all trustee and committee meetings, and agendas of all trustee meetings and committee meetings. Approved minutes from January 1, 2012 to the present will be posted online and remain on the website for 1 year. Due to the potential of a great time lapse between committee meetings and approval of draft minutes, Carolyn Fisa suggested posting a short written summary of 2-3 sentences for committee meetings until approved minutes are available. Agreement reached by consensus.

6. Committee Reports and Issues
A. Building- Hope Brisette: Nothing to report since there have been no meetings. The board requests Chip Stearns contact Hope Brisettte as the liaison for the trustees if they are having meetings. The board also requests Chip Stearns provide a weekly written summary of the renovation project, to which he agrees.
B. Communications-no report
C. Finance-Deb Wright: Nothing to report, as they have not met since the last report.
D. Historical Collection-Carolyn Frisa: The last items have been moved. The grandfather clock and historic painting will be protected and kept on site. Next meeting will be June 4th at Works on Paper.
E. Personnel-Jan Mitchell-Love: Presented draft minutes of last meeting.
F. Policy A-Carolyn Frisa: Constructive first meeting. Discussed and decided on recommendations, which are included in draft minutes. Will meet with Policy B after they have met.
G. Policy B-no report as have not met yet.

7. Renovation plans – moving forward: Jan Mitchell-Love sites Robert’s Rules which state that the only way to reconsider a motion is if someone who voted for the motion asks to reconsider the decision.

Jan Mitchell-Love received a phone call from Kim Brittenham from the Vermont Center for independent living, who stated that if the library is open we are required to provide equal access to programs and services. Providing services by taking books and magazines out to the curb for patrons is acceptable.

July 16th is the municipal training on ADA liability access at the Bradford Library.

Hope Brisette contacted Heidi Lucas-Moccia who said we could use the BFMS community room from July 8-August 2, Monday-Friday 7-9, Monday-Friday 9-2, and Friday evening 7-9 for no cost. Cost would be $30/hour for off hours.

We can have programs at Wool radio for free.

Samantha Maskell is planning to have the summer reading program at other sites, such as the recreation center.

Deborah Wright is still looking into the Waypoint Center, as the library does provide educational and historic information to the public. Merchants bank would be $500/month, and is 2200 square feet. Pat Fowler brings up concerns of parking and safety issues if using this site, especially for children and elderly patrons. There is an unattended children policy in place that requires children must be 8 years old to be left unattended. This space would be available June 4th.

Deborah Wright made a motion to close the library building effective June 3rd until the end of July. This motion seconded by Hope Brisette, amended by the group to change the date to close the library to no later than June 7th. This motion did not pass, with 4 opposed, 2 in favor, 2 abstentions.

The library will be closed from May 15th-May 18th for asbestos abatement, and will not reopen to the public on May 20th.

6:45: Jan Mitchell-Love calls for a 3 minute break
6:50: Call meeting back to order

7. Other Amy Howlett’s trustee orientation: Will take place at the next meeting Trustee meeting, on June 10th.

Phone system—potential needs and updates: Covered during Director’s report.

Social Media—policy needed?: Carolyn Frisa suggests we need a policy for social media for trustees. The board decided by consensus to table this discussion until we meet with Amy Howlett.

Breakdown in communication between trustees and director/staff: David Buckley made a motion to table this discussion. Motion seconded by Steve Fuller, passed unanimously.

8. Executive Session, if necessary: Deborah Wright made a motion to enter executive session to discuss a contract matter. Seconded by Laura Senes, approved unanimously. Célina Houlné is invited to be included. Executive session ended. 7:10: Call meeting back to order

9. Review agenda items for next meeting: Meeting will be Monday, June 10th at 4:45 pm, agenda to be determined.

10. Public comment: Many members of the public spoke against the board’s decision to close the library, and informed the board that a petition is circulating to keep the library open. One member of the public asked that Jan Mitchell-Love step down as chair of the board. Several members of the public requested that the entire board step down.

11. Adjourn: Motion to adjourn approved unanimously at 7:38.

These minutes respectfully submitted by Secretary Laura Senes, May 18, 2013