Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes: March 18, 2014


RFPL Board of Trustees Minutes
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
4:30 PM at Meeting Room, RFPL, Bellows Falls, VT

Present: Doreen Aldrich, Carol Blackwood, Hope Brissette, Patricia Fowler, Carolyn Frisa, David Gould, L. Raymond Massucco, Jan Mitchell-Love, Paige Pietrzak, Trustees; Steven Ankuda Parker & Ankuda Law and Constance Pell, Law Office of English, Carroll & Boe, Attorneys; Samantha Maskell, Emily Zervas, Librarians
Press: FACTV, Chris Garofolo, Eagle Times; Susan Smallheer, Rutland Herald; Allison Teague, Commons
Others: David DeRusha, Steve Geller, Celina Houlne, Roberta Streeter, Donna Stevens

Call to Order: The chair called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. At 4:36 p.m., Fowler moved that the board enter into executive session to discuss pending litigation where premature general public knowledge would clearly place the municipality at a substantial disadvantage, and that Steven Ankuda be invited to attend; second by Frisa. The motion carried. The board came out of executive session at 5:04 p.m. No action taken. At 5:05 p.m., Fowler moved that the board enter into executive session to discuss pending litigation where premature general public knowledge would clearly place the municipality at a substantial disadvantage, and that Constance Pell be invited to attend; second by Mitchell-Love. The motion carried. The board came out of executive session at 5:55 p.m. No action taken. The special meeting resumed at 5:56 p.m.

Approve Minutes of February 18, 2014 and March 11, 2014: Moved by Massucco and seconded by Mitchell-Love to approve the minutes of February 18th. The motion carried. Two abstentions. Massucco moved to table the minutes of March 11th until everyone had enough time to read them. Mitchell-Love seconded. The motion carried.

Public Comments: None

Investment Information: Fowler advised that the annuity the board is looking at investing with Secure Fore 5 is not FDIC insured. They guarantee to return any principle less any withdrawals made. She has read from AM Best, one of the best national rating companies and they have an A- rating. They were recommended by People’s United Bank and People’s is very conservative. People’s needs documentation from the board that we agree to invest in Secure Fore 5 and that it is self-insured. The $125,000 is currently sitting in a checking account. It is a five year annuity allowing us to take out 10% if interest rates go up. It is only getting 2.1% now. There is also another $57,000 +/- to be invested. Massucco said he’d like for the board to approve the investment as presented by Fowler and so moved. Mitchell-Love seconded his motion. The motion carried. Two abstentions.

Review Search Committee: Mitchell-Love had a hand-out and asked for more latitude. It is being advertised where it was before. Applications are due on April 11th. She has not sent letters to the candidates who applied this last time. She would like to soften the wording on the
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letter to the applicants. She went on line and she has one for candidates that we would like to see apply again and for candidates that we would not want anything further. It would just say, “We are currently pursuing other candidates whose background and skills more closely fit our current needs” and for candidates that we’re interested in, “We’re most appreciative of the time and effort that you put into this application process. Unfortunately, after careful consideration and assessment with the search committee and the full board of trustees, we have decided not to proceed with any applications at this time”. Blackwood suggested, “We chose not to act on that posting, we’re internally re-evaluating our job description for library director and we have decided to re-open and feel free to reapply” and send it to everybody. The board was agreeable to that and Jan will send the same thing to everybody; but softer and invite them to look at the job posting and feel free to reapply.

Review Committee Requests and Assignments: Three board members were not present at the last meeting, Hope, Jan and Paige. He asked that they submit a list of three or four committees that they are interested in serving on. They will email him. Frisa added that at the last meeting, we discussed the grand opening celebration plans which are tentatively scheduled for the first week in May. She is spearheading that effort as part of the Historical Collections Committee. She wants to have a meeting this week or next week at the latest. She will attend the Friends of the Library meeting and talk with them also. If the three are interested in working with her, please let her know asap.

Review By-Laws Revisions: Gould explained that it got started; but not finished with the previous board and he thinks things need to be added to the revisions as we found out last Tuesday. That will be ongoing.

Review Director’s Job Description: Gould said we’ve been talking about that. Fowler said she made the suggestion that the personnel committee is the executive board.

Establish date for Trustee Training Session with Amy Howlett: Gould has contacted Howlett about a time when we might get together as a board for trustee training. She gave him some dates and they were passed on to the board members. Maskell said Howlett gave her Tues. in April and it looks like April 1, 22 or the 29th for all that responded. Brissette said she is not going. Pietrzak said she is fine as long as it is after 1:00 p.m. Mitchell-Love said she probably won’t be coming.

Other: Maskell said she has been working Frisa on the grand re-opening. She has been talking with Garrett, Frisa’s husband partner about doing a refreshing of our library logo. Before spending a lot of time on it, she asked what the board thought of it and do we have any input. You can email it to her.

The next meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m.

Adjournment: Mitchell-Love moved to adjourn at 6:34 p.m., seconded by Pietrzak. The motion carried.

Respectfully submitted, Doreen Aldrich, Secretary