Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes: Monday, July 22, 2013

MONDAY, JULY 22nd, 2013
5:00 PM at Village Square Booksellers, Bellows Falls

In Attendance: Jan Mitchell-Love, Hope Brissette, Laura Senes, Deborah Wright, Pat Fowler, Carolyn Frisa, David Buckley, Paige Pietrzak, and Célina Houlné
Public members in attendance: Alma Beals, Emily Zervas, Betty Haggerty, Barbara Stickney, Wendy O’Connell, Serena Hickey, Steve Geller, Elayne Clift, and Arnold Clift.
Representatives from the press: Domenic Poli (Brattleboro Reformer) and Allison Teaugue (The Commons)

1. Call to order at 5:10 PM.

2. Public Comment: Several members of the public expressed appreciation that public comment was placed at the beginning of the meeting. Also, members of the public expressed that audio recordings should be made of all meetings. The public asked if the board has received any response from the Attorney General about the letters sent. The board has not received any response from the Attorney General. The public raised questions about legal fees being accrued by the board and the board’s reversion to the 2008 Personnel Policy. The board was presented with 2 petitions, one with signatures of public not wanting the library to close, the second calling for the chair and vice chair of the board to resign. Questions were also raised about the cost of moving the library. Carolyn Frisa read a letter written by Deirdre Fuchs wondering about taking money from annuity funds to pay for moving. This will be addressed under Finance.

3. Approve minutes: Motion to approve draft minutes of June 10th, 2013 trustees’ meeting, with the inclusion of the letter read by Arnold Clift, made by Hope Brissette, seconded by Carolyn Frisa, passed unanimously.

Motion to approve draft minutes of June 4th, 2013 trustees’ special meeting with the addition of ‘These minutes respectfully submitted by Secretary Laura Senes, June 11, 2013,’ made by Carolyn Frisa, seconded by Hope Brissette, passed with a vote of 7 in favor and 1 abstention. Motion to approve June 25th, 2013 trustees’ special meeting draft minutes made by Hope Brissette, seconded by Deb Wright, passed with a vote of 7 in favor and 1 abstention.

4. Renovation update: Chip Stearns presented detailed update on the renovation. The renovation is on target to be completed August 30th. Trustees will get a tour this week in groups of 4 or fewer. Financial projections at this point show slightly under $12,000 unclaimed, but some costs are still unknown.

5. Director’s Monthly Report: Staff has been busy with the move. The library has changed over to a new computer system and is working out a few quirks. Over 100 people attended the program about turtles. The library will be set up for Old Homes Days for Lego and face painting.

Two Financial Reports: Library Balance Sheet (2 pages) and Library Status Report (4 pages): The end of the year report should be ready in August. It appears the library is over budget, but this money will be covered by the renovation. The library should end the year with a surplus.

6. Committee Reports

a. Building – no report
b. Communications – no report
c. Finance – Deb Wright. The finance committee has not met. Pat Fowler has agreed to take Steve Fuller’s place on the committee. Deb expresses concerns of areas over budget. The idea of using money from the investment accounts to pay for moving the library was discussed. The board agreed by consensus not to use this money if it is not necessary. The idea of using inmates from the offender work program and students needing community service hours was discussed. The money for the move so far has been taken from the repairs and maintenance budget.

The bill from the lawyer was also discussed. This bill covers personnel matters, to determine if the library director has a contract and related to CAP, review of the 2012 Personnel Policy and matters related to letters written to the Attorney General. The library doesn’t have a line in the budget to cover legal fees. It was agreed by consensus to include this in future budgets. Members of the public expressed concern about incurring legal costs.

d. Historical Collection – Carolyn Frisa. Nothing to report
e. Policy– A special meeting on bylaws revisions will be held at 5:00 on Wednesday, August 7th at the Village Square Booksellers.

7. Old Business
a. Report on move to 41 The Square & moving expenses. The library has $100 plus left for the move.
b. Director’s updated staffing schedule for time at temporary location (41 The Square): Staffing is as previously discussed. Both Sam and Emily are working 40 hrs. per week. The staff is rotating vacation time, and no one has been hired to fill the vacant position, giving a savings of about $4000.

8. New Business
a. 2012 Personnel Policy – request Finance Committee report for August trustees’ meeting. Célina Houlné expressed her belief that the revised policy did go through proper channels, because the board agreed on the changes and that it did not need to be reviewed by the Policy Committee. A date will be chosen at the August 12 board meeting for the Policy Committee to meet.
b. Communications: discuss possible retreat: Dot Reed has offered a place to hold a board retreat. Discuss trustees’ training: Martha Reid, State Librarian, has offered to train on the different duties of the library trustees, Friends, and Director.

9. Review agenda items for next meeting and meeting date: Next meeting will be held Monday, August 12th at 5:00 p.m at the Village Square Booksellers.

10. Executive Session to discuss personnel issues: Board of Trustees’ opening and Director’s evaluation. Motion made at 7:37 to enter executive session to discuss personnel issues made by Hope Brissette, seconded by Deb Wright, passed unanimously. Leave executive session at 8:00 with no action taken, with unfinished business. Deb Wright made a motion the trustees recommend Tim Dougherty to the Selectboard as a replacement for Steve Fuller, seconded by Paige Pietrzak. Motion passed 5 in favor with 1 abstention. Adjourn/recess at 8:05 and will reenter July 22nd meeting to complete executive session on July 31, 2013 at 4:30 at the Village Square Booksellers. Call to order July 31, 2013 at 4:38. Motion made by Carolyn Frisa to enter executive session to discuss the director’s evaluation, seconded by Hope Brissette, passed unanimously. Enter executive session at 4:41. Leave executive session at 5:53 with no action taken.

11. Motion to adjourn made by Carolyn Frisa, seconded by Deb Wright, passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned 5:55pm. Respectfully submitted by Secretary Laura Senes August 2, 2013.