4:00 PM
AGENDA: Called to order 4:07
1. Additions or changes to agenda
• Change to agenda to cover committee reports first, and then cover renovation project update and revised schedule.
2. Public comment (3 minutes in person)-None
3. Approve Minutes of Board Meeting
• July 12, 2012-Motion to change “renovation committee meetings” to “construction meetings” approved unanimously.
4. Director’s Monthly Report & Financial Report
• August 29 and 30 talk on Lyme disease will be at the Mason’s.
• The part time job has been offered to Ed Graves from Rutland. He will start after Labor Day.
• There will be a break in programs after finishing up with the summer programs. The Masons do not heat during the winter, so other arrangements will need to be made for the winter.
• This is the first month of the fiscal year. We are still awaiting final numbers from last year’s budget.
5. Renovation Project Update & Revised Schedule
• Because the renovation is behind schedule and to ensure the new heating system will be installed in time for the cold weather, it has been recommended the library close temporarily. Last night the renovation committee narrowly voted to recommend closing the library from August 18th to Sept. 3rd. A motion was made to approve a two-week closure, form August 18th to Sept. 3rd. This motion passed 6:3.
• One of the leaded windows that the board of trustees previously approved to have a minor repair for $200 will need a more extensive repair. A motion was made to approve an additional cost of $600 to fully repair this window. The motion passed 7:1.
• Continued discussion about lien wavers. The decision was made to not pursue lien wavers at this point. A motion was made to table this discussion until the next meeting. The motion passed unanimously with one abstention.
• The next renovation committee meeting will be Wed. August 12th at 5:00.
6. Committee Reports and Issues
a. Policy- Nothing to report
b. Building– Nothing to report
c. Historical Collection- Nothing to report
d. Communications – Fundraising
• There are just 3 tickets left for the trip to NYC. There are also a couple of seats on the bus for sale.
• December 8 from 2-4 will be our annual open house and raffle.
• The next fundraising panel development meeting will be August 28th, time to be determined.
e. Finance
• Still awaiting final end of year numbers from the town.
f. Personnel – Director’s evaluation
• Committee is still working on the director’s evaluation and will have it completed by next month.
7. Review Agenda Items for next meeting and set date
• Next meeting September 13th at 4pm at the library.
8. Adjourn-Move to adjourn meeting approved unanimously at 5:56.