Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes: Thursday, February 14, 2013


3:30 PM

Location: Emmanuel Episcopal Church

Trustees present: David Buckley, Steve Fuller, Duane Whitehead, Jan Mitchell-Love, Carolyn Frisa, Hope Brisette and Deb Wright Additional persons present: Célina Houlné (Library Director); Mary VanHartesveldt

1. Called to order by Jan Mitchell-Love at 3:35.

2. Additions or changes to agenda
• Carolyn Frisa asked that we review Open Meeting Law rules. See Section 10 below.

3. Public comment (3 minutes in person)
• Mary VanHartesveld thanked David Buckley for his involvement with recent fundraising efforts.

4. Approve Minutes of Board Meeting – January 10, 2013
• Célina Houlné requested that the heading include the word “Minutes”. Steve Fuller moved to approve them with this change; seconded by David Buckley; approved unanimously by the Trustees.

5. Director’s Monthly Report & Financial Report
• Célina Houlné summarized the information previously provided to the Trustees in the two reports.
• Additional information – a second donation from the Richard and Barbara Whitcomb Foundation in the amount of $10,00 has been received. These funds have been deposited into the Library’s CD account.
• Duane Whitehead questioned changes to staff responsibilities mentioned in the report. Célina Houlné explained that Ed Graves now performs some additional public relations duties.
• Deborah Wright asked about the recent meeting of the Director with the Town Financial Officer and Mary VanHartesveldt. Célina Houlné explained this meeting was held to review the town-provided insurance policy.
• Deborah Wright questioned why the revenue for the annual budget is lower than projected. Célina Houlné explained this reflects a reduction in from the funds in savings accounts and lower interest rates. She reported the library has also been less busy due to construction, as expected, therefore generating less revenue from late fees. Late fees were also recently waived due to the closure of the library for renovation.
• Duane Whitehead questioned why programming was higher than expected. Célina Houlné explained this was due to a $500 donation from the Friends after expenses were reported. These funds will cover the rest of the expenses for the year.
• Mary VanHartesveldt reported that the line item of $16,900 for insurance was not accurate and will be lower; this figure will be corrected on the next financial report.
• Hope Brissette asked if the budgeted amount for repairs and maintenance was sufficient and if it carried over annually. Célina Houlné explained that it does not carry over and that if funds were left over they were put into the Library’s CD.
• Deborah Wright questioned why CD is listed as “cash”. Mary VanHartesveldt explained this categorization is determined by the town and a CD is considered to be a “cash asset”.
• A discussion about the projections for the following year ensued.
• Deborah Wright asked who was responsible for managing the library’s CD and savings account. Célina Houlné reported this has been done by local lawyer, Ray Massucco, in the past. Library accounts and management procedures will be reviewed by the Finance Committee this December.

6. Annual Town Meeting Day on Monday, March 4th
• Jan Mitchell-Love reminded Trustees of this upcoming event and encouraged all to attend. Célina Houlné provided Trustees with printed copies of the Town of Rockingham Annual Report.

7. Committee Reports
• Policy – Steve Fuller
-nothing to report
• Building – Hope Brissette
-see under renovation
• Historical Collections – Carolyn Frisa
-Library received an AIC grant to upgrade an antique bookcase to archival display standards.
-The Connecticut River Museum has requested two items from the collection be loaned for an exhibit on historic bridges. The objects are the Tucker Toll Bridge Sign and an oil painting of the bridge. The exhibit will take place from April – October 2013.
-A motion was made by Steve Fuller to approve the loan; seconded by Deborah Wright; and unanimously approved.
• Communications – Deborah Wright
-Deborah Wright is the new Chair and anticipates a name change in the coming year. She reported on the success of the NYC trip and encouraged Trustees to promote the upcoming trip to the Isabella Stewart Gardener Museum on April 13.
-the next Friends meeting is on February 20 at 9:00am at the library and will include election of officers.
• Renovation – committee in hiatus
• Finance – David Buckley
-nothing to report
• Personnel – Jan Mitchell-Love
-meeting was held on 2/6/13 included discussion of long range planning (see below). Future goals include a review or Personnel Policies, including the generation of a contract for Célina Houlné, which most likely involve council from the Town Attorney.
-A motion was made by Deborah Wright to authorize Jan Mitchell-Love to consult the Town Attorney to discuss the potential need for a contract for the Library Director. Hope Brissette seconded the motion; discussion ensued; the motion was unanimously approved.
• Célina Houlné requested that it go on record that her job duties have been changed now that it is up to committee chairs to warn their own meetings and formulate their own agendas without the assistance of the Library Director unless requested.

8. Renovation Project Update – Hope Brissette
-Roof is on and building is weather tight. Town officials continues to handle the project; all information from the Town Manager sent to Jan Mitchell-Love is then sent to all Trustees by Jan. The Town Manager asked that only one trustee attend the meetings and Hope Brissette is doing this. Discussion ensued.
-David Buckley asked that Mary VanHartesveldt continue to print and organize all renovation-related project information.

9. Future Plans
a. long-range planning
-Jan Mitchell-Love spoke with local library representative, Amy Howlett, and her recommendation was that the Trustees wait until a few months after the renovation project is over. Ms. Howlett will be making a presentation on this topic to the Trustees in the next few months.
b. request for monthly staff payrolls, comp time, overtime reports, etc.
-Jan Mitchell-Love asked Trustees what type of format would be best. Célina Houlné reported staff do not get comp time or overtime and that the other information is available in print at the library for Trustees to review.
c. request for monthly bills and warrants
-Jan Mitchell-Love requested that a change be made to current policy so that any Trustee (i.e. not just officers) be able to review and sign warrants. No further action was taken at this time.

10. Other – Review of Open Meeting Law for Committees
-Discussion revealed there is still uncertainty about how Open Meeting Law applies to Personnel Committee meetings, and until this is determined they will follow these regulations.

11. The next Library Board of Trustees meeting will be on April 14 3:30pm at the Emmanuel Episcopal Church unless otherwise warned. Amy Howlett will most likely present information to Trustees on Open Meeting Law.

12. Executive Session – No Executive Session was necessary.

13. A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Steve Fuller; seconded by Carolyn Frisa; unanimously approved at 5:25pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Carolyn Frisa, Co-Secretary March 20, 2013