Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes: Thursday, November 8, 2012



Meeting called to order at 4PM

Present: Celina, Hope Brissette, Debbi Wetzel, Jan Mitchell-Love, Deb Wright, Steven Fuller and Duane Whitehead

No changes or amendments to the agenda no public comment

Minutes approved from September 13th meeting…look back and approve Oct.23rd minutes when ready and amended

Directors report given by Celina

Committee Reports:
Policy- Steven had nothing to report
Building-Hope asks if storage is being checked regularly, answered yes.
Historical Collection -discussion on process for display cases and report of bronze plaque for book drop empty space
Communications-Debbi reported on successful trip to NY with about $1,500 profit. Volunteer baskets to be given out before Thanksgiving and staff breakfast scheduled.
Finance – new bill from Baybutt, renovation expenses chart, and unseen changes expense chart , distributed to Board. FY budget 14. Celina gives details on biggest change in line item (pg 3 of financial report) pertains to data base, the new tech equipment includes cost of new server, to make change this fiscal year in Feb. KOHA agreement will be changed to VOKAL (annual fee $1,000 savings). Motion made by Steven Fuller to move $1,000 out of line 120 on FY 14 Budget automated library system, move to property and liability insurance line…all in favor..approved.
Make an * notation for tech equipment savings and maintain to pay for server upgrade and electric all in favor…approved.
Renovation – PR#12 pertaining to lock out feature of new elevator vote.
PR #11 vote tabled to be dealt with by special meeting asap.
PR #14 pertaining to change in roof flashing /edging, after consideration by Ellen Howard at town office. Motion to approve made by Deb Wright…all in favor..approved.
Personnel Committee- no report

Next Trustees Board meeting scheduled for Thursday, December 13 @ 4PM

Meeting adjourned at 5:30 PM