Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes Thursday, March 8, 2012

4:00 PM
Called to order at 4:09 by Jan Mitchell-Love

In attendance: Jan Mitchell-Love, Duane Whitehead, Deborah Wright, David Buckley, Steve Fuller, Carolyn Frisa and Célina Houlné.

1. Additions or changes to agenda: None

2. Public comment (3 minutes in person): No public comments.

3. Approve Minutes of Board Meeting – February 9, 2012
-page 2 should be Deborah Wright, not Deborah White.
-Steve moved to pass as amended, seconded by Deborah Wright. Unanimously approved.

4. Election of Officers
Slate of candidates: Chair, Janice Mitchell Love; Vice-Chair, David Buckley; Treasurer, Duane Whitehead; Co-Secretaries Carolyn Frisa and Laura Senes
Steve moved to pass slate as written, Deborah Wright seconded. Unanimously approved.

5. Set Date & Time of Board Meetings – Will keep current date and time (second Thursday of every month at 4:00). May need to move location during renovation project.

6. Appointments to Committees
Carolyn Frisa will chair the Historical Collection Committee.
David Buckley will chair Finance Committee.
Deborah Wetzel will chair Communications Committee.
Hope will chair Building Committee.
Jan will chair Personnel Committee.
Steve will chair Policy Committee.
Jan will update the sheet before the next Trustees meeting.

7. Orientation & Training for Trustees – Annual Town Officers’ Education Conference: April 10 or April 18
Jan and David will attend the April 10th meeting. Deb Wright may also attend this session as well. Jan will be responsible for registering for everyone from RFPL.

8. Director’s Monthly Report & Financial Report
1) moving is happening in several weeks. The library continues to prepare. See report for details.
2) Wendy has turned in her resignation and her last day will be April 5. Library staff will organize a farewell tea or similar event. David suggested giving her two tickets to the fund-raising event. Or a gift certificate. Trustees are not responsible for hiring. Filling her position will be deferred. Emily and Sam will increase to 40 hours and divide some of Wendy’s duties. Ellen will supervise volunteers.
3) Trustees are encouraged to attend the Renovation Committee Meeting on March 28 at 2:00pm to review bids. Location may be in the lower theater at the Opera House. We will be informed of exact location next week. The Board will call a special meeting in early April to approve the revised cost summary presented by the Renovation Committee.
4) Célina provided the Trustees with the FY 2013 Budget Worksheet. Explanation is provided in the Financial Report. Discussion ensued. More accurate projected budget will be provided in June.

9. Renovation Project Update
1) Discussion of Baybutt’s General Conditions Summary at 60% of Design Stage.
2) Information to public about Library closure from March 26 – 28 is in the works.
3) Célina provided Board with Renovation Move Schedule.

10. Committee Reports and Issues
a. Building: Nothing additional to report.
b. Historical Collection: Nothing additional to report.
c. Communications – Fundraising: Book Sale and Plant Sale will be held on May 19th. Discussion of additional fundraising ideas. Next meeting is April 4. Email ideas to Deb Wetzel before this meeting. David has some excellent suggestions for a New York City trip “free itinerary” in late Nov/early Dec so people could go to see Rockettes or do their own thing. What about doing something during Roots on the River? Alumni weekend?
d. Finance: Nothing additional to report.
e. Policy: Nothing additional to report.
f. What’s new in books email like Brooks Memorial Library. Carolyn will get info.

11. Review Agenda Items for next meeting and set date. Next meeting will be April 12 at 4:00pm.

12. Adjourn David motioned to adjourn at 5:25. Steve seconded. Unanimously approved,

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