Board of Trustees Special Meeting Draft Minutes; Thursday, July 5, 2012

5:00 PM

Trustees in Attendance: Jan Mitchell-Love, Hope Brisette, Laura Senes, Duane Whitehead, Deb Wright, David Buckley, Carolyn Frisa, and Debbie Wetzel Invited attendees: Célina Houlné (Library Director)

The meeting was called to order by chairwoman Jan Mitchell-Love at 5:08pm.

1. Additions or changes to agenda
• None.

2. Public comment (3 minutes in person)
• None.

3. Library renovation update
• Nothing to report on general progress since most recent regular Trustees meeting.

4. Library renovation – review/discuss master firebox change order request
• Discussion about purpose of firebox included questions about whether or not this is required by the Bellows Falls Fire Department, the possibility of modifying or upgrading the existing firebox and alarm system that is currently monitored by Countryside Lock and Alarm, and concern that if it is required, why this was overlooked (and by whom – Baybutt or SMP? Both?) and not included in the original project budget. A quote for installation from the subcontracted electrician was provided and discussion about who is responsible for covering the cost followed.
• The Renovation Committee will be meeting with the Fire Chief and Jason from SMP Architects on Tuesday, July 10 at 10:00pm. Jan Mitchell-Love will also attend the meeting and asked Trustees to send her any additional questions or concerns about the issue and she will send the final list of questions for review to the Trustees before the meeting.
• A motion was made by Deborah Wright that any decisions regarding the additional firebox be deferred until after the meeting on Tuesday. Steve Fuller seconded the motion. No discussion followed and the motion was unanimously approved by the Trustees.

5. Library renovation – review/discuss communication
• Discussion about whether construction meeting minutes (generated by general contractor Baybutt) should be provided to all Trustees and members of the Renovation Committee. This was requested by some members of the Trustees and Renovation Committee – discussion followed and everyone agreed it would be helpful to receive these minutes on a weekly basis. Célina Houlné will email a copy all minutes to the Trustees and Renovation Committee and also provide a printed copy at the Library for David Buckley.

6. Other – no additions or changes to the agenda were made.

7. Move to adjourn meeting made by Steve, seconded by David and unanimously approved at 6:10pm.

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