Tuesday, June 25th, 2013, at 3:30 p.m.
Community Room, BFMS (Bellows Falls Middle School; Bellows Falls, VT)
In Attendance: Jan Mitchell-Love, Hope Brissette, Laura Senes, Deborah Wright, Pat Fowler, Carolyn Frisa, Paige Pietrzak, and Emily Zervas.
Public in attendance: about a dozen members of the public were in attendance, but did not sign in.
1. Call to order 3:35 pm.
2. Executive Session – Personnel-Hope Brissette made a motion to enter executive session to discuss a personnel issue. The motion, seconded by Deborah Wright, passed unanimously. Exited executive session at 4:05 with no action taken and resumed the regular meeting.
3. 2012 Personnel Policy-The 2012 Personnel Policy was not approved of properly, as it never went through the Policy Committee before being voted on at a regular meeting. A motion was made by Deborah Wright to rescind the 2012 Personnel Policy and revert back to the 2008 Personnel Policy.
A friendly amendment was made to include an anticipated completion date to review the Personnel Policy by 9/30/2013. This motion, seconded by Hope Brissette, passed with 5 in favor, 1 opposed and 1 abstention. The 2012 Personnel Policy will go to the Finance, Policy and Personnel Committees and the Town’s attorney. A letter written by Ellen Allman, read by Carolyn Frisa, expressed the importance to the part-time staff of keeping their present benefits. The board discussed the idea that any benefits consistent with the 2012 Personnel Policy may be approved retroactively to July 1st, 2013 if the 2012 Personnel Policy is reinstated after review.
4. Executive Session – Not needed.
5. Public comment-Members of the public expressed the fact that they would like to see public comment be moved to the beginning of the meeting.
6. Adjourn-The next monthly board meeting will take place on July 8th at 5:00, location TBA. Steven Fuller has stepped down from the board. Anyone interested in being appointed to the board should write a letter to the RFPL Board of Trustees, in care of Jan Mitchell-Love, Chair. The trustees will pass a recommendation of an appointee to the Selectboard that will make the appointment. Motion to adjourn made by Hope Brissette. This motion, seconded by Carolyn Frisa, passed unanimously at 5:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Secretary Laura Senes, July 1, 2013.