TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2013 at 5:00 PM
LOCATION: Lower Theater of the Town Hall in Bellows Falls, VT
Board Members in Attendance: Jan Mitchell-Love, Hope Brissette, Ray Massucco, Elayne Clift, Deborah Wright, Paige Pietrzak, Pat Fowler, Carolyn Frisa, and Laura Senes.
Board Attorney in Attendance: Stephen Ankuda
Public in attendance: J. Celina Houlné, Arnold Clift, Ann DiBernardo, David Gould, Steve Geller, Nancy Korakeff, Deirdre Fuchs, Lynne Lewandowski, Alma Beals, Eric Bye, Donna Stevens, Diane Brown, Carol Blackwood,
1. Call to order to order at 5:05 pm by Chairwoman Jan Mitchell-Love.
2. Executive Session – deliberative session on the Celina Houlné appeal. Deborah Wright made a motion to go into a deliberative session on the Celina Houlné appeal for the evaluation of an employee. This motion, seconded by Hope Brissette, passed with 5 in favor, 4 opposed. Attorney Stephen Ankuda was invited into executive session. Enter executive session, 5:13. Exit executive session at 7:06 with no action taken. Ray Massucco made a motion that based upon the evidence including the exhibits and testimony presented at the two public hearings and the board’s deliberation in executive session this evening that we vote to reverse our September 18, 2013 decision to terminate Ms. Houlné. This motion seconded by Carolyn Frisa, failed with 5 opposed, 4 in favor. Deborah Wright made a motion that based upon the exhibits and testimony presented at the hearings that we not reverse our September 18, 2013 decision to terminate Ms. Houlné. This motion, seconded by Hope Brissette, passed with 5 in favor, 4 opposed.
3. Public comment-Many members of the public expressed their disappointment with the board’s upholding the decision to terminate Ms. Houlné. Members of the public also expressed disapproval of placing public comment at the end of the agenda. One member of the public thanked the board for their time and service to the community.
4. Motion to adjourn made by Deborah Wright, seconded by Paige Pietrzak, passed unanimously at 7:25 pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Laura Senes, Secretary. October 29, 2013