Board of Trustees Special Meeting
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Time and Place: 4 p.m. at Masonic Temple
1. The meeting was called to order by Chairwoman Jan Mitchell-Love at 4:15.
2. Public comment (3 minutes per person) –No public comment.
3. Renovation Update
-The Trustees are still waiting for update from architects on how to handle additional architectural consulting fees due to extended completion date.
-Duane Whitehead reported SMP Architects plan to present options at the upcoming Trustee meeting on October 11
4. Executive Session with Trustees only – Personnel
-Steve Fuller moved to go into Executive Session; Laura Senes seconded the motion; the motion was unanimously approved at 4:20.
-Carolyn Frisa motioned to come out of executive session; Duane Whitehead seconded the motion; the motion was unanimously approved at 6:33.
Carolyn motioned to accept the draft of the director’s evaluation with edits as recommended by Trustees. Duane seconded the motion; the motion was unanimously approved. Jan will send the final evaluation to Trustees and the Director.
5. Adjourn
-Carolyn Frisa motioned adjourn the meeting; Duane Whitehead seconded the motion; the motion was unanimously approved at 6:35.
Trustees in attendance: Jan Mitchell-Love, Steve Fuller, Duane Whitehead, Hope Brissette, Laura Senes, Deborah Wright, and Carolyn Frisa.
Additional Attendees: Célina Houlné (Library Director)