9:00 AM at 300 Bridge Street, Bellow Falls
Representatives from the press: Chris Garofolo (Eagle Times) and Domenic Poli (Brattleboro Reformer).
1. Call to order at 9:05 AM
2. Update on renovation plans-moving forward: Chip Stearns provided an update on the renovation. There have been a few snags, but also a lot of great progress. Deborah Wright discussed the Selectboard’s decision to reconsider the library’s use of the Waypoint Center under certain criteria. Célina Houlné discussed her visit to the Waypoint Center and Train Station and presented a handout outlining the various library needs and services and what is available at the Waypoint Center, Train Station and the old Merchant’s Bank location. Deborah Wright made a motion that the RFPL rent the old Merchant’s Bank location from early June until we can repossess the existing library building. Motion seconded Paige Pietrzak, passed with 5 in favor and 1 abstention.
3. Executive Session-if necessary: Jan Mitchell-Love made a motion to enter executive session for personnel reasons. Seconded by Deb Wright and passed unanimously. Enter executive session 9:54 AM. Leave executive session and reenter the regular meeting at 10:10 AM. Deborah Wright made a motion that the Trustees approve the Corrective Action Plan presented to the Director on Tuesday, May 14, 2013, authorize the board chair and vice-chair to act as the Trustee’s representatives in the meeting with the Director as provided in the CAP, report the progress in achieving the CAP to the Personnel Committee after such meetings and the Personnel Committee report on such progress at each regularly scheduled Trustee’s meeting and sooner if the Personnel Committee determines that the CAP needs to be modified or other action needs to be taken. Célina Houlné voiced her concern that she works for the full board and that the CAP has not been discussed by the full board. She also stated that she has sought the advice of legal counsel. The above motion seconded by Hope Brissette, passed with 5 votes in favor and 1 opposed. Célina stated that she will request a meeting with the full board.
4. Public comment: Chair Jan Mitchell-Love requested that members of the public state their name and place of residence when recognized and that only residents of Rockingham are welcome to speak. Jan Mitchell-Love also stated that she has never applied for and is not interested in the position of Library Director. One member of the public was not recognized by the chair to speak, as a nonresident. Many members of the public expressed displeasure with the board and wanted to have nonresidents recognized to speak. One member of the public expressed concern about the CAP and that the board is trying to micromanage the library director. One member of the public thanked the board for making a decision about choosing the temporary library location and moving forward.
5. Adjourn: Hope Brissette made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded by Deb Wright, passed unanimously at 10:25 AM.
These minutes respectfully submitted by Secretary Laura Senes, May 28, 2013