Monday, November 17, 2014
at Rockingham Free Public Library
9:00 – 10:00 AM
In attendance: Emily Zervas, Carolyn Frisa, Pat Fowler, Celina Houlne and Duane Whitehead
Call to Order—Meeting called to order by Carolyn at 9:10 am.
1.Call to order and welcome new committee member–Karin Fischer was absent but Carolyn announced that she is a new member on the committee.
2. Additions or changes to agenda. Adoption of agenda.–adopted.
3. Public comment–none
4. Plan for moving collection back to library
a. Update on moving and shelving Local History Collection
Emily and Carolyn met at the bookstore to evaluate the task and make a plan for bringing items back to the library. It was decided that framed items, “A” boxes, the cataloged photograph collection and any boxes of Hayes collection paper or scrap books would all be items to move over to begin with. The chairs and quilt frame should both also come back over soon. The quilt frame can be used to exhibit the silent auction quilt.
Emily is available on Wednesday Nov 19th at 8:30am and asked for assistance from any committee members who could help. She also will be contacting the highway department to see if they can come help move a flat file out of the storage closet and help move some larger items over.
b. Discuss plans for moving the rest of the Historical Collection
The committee agreed that the collection moving would need to be assessed step by step and that the priority was first moving some things out of the room so we could move boxes around and hopefully remove some of the archival shelving and set it up in the new collection storage areas.
5. Display and Exhibit Planning
Emily identified one exhibit that she could put together in time for the Friends holiday party. She also committed to finishing the installation cards for the hanging art in the library in time for the event.
7. Identify storage, housing and other supply needs for Historical Collection
The need for locks on the display cases was discussed. The only locksmith who seems to be available is very unresponsive, though he has visited and promised a quote for the work twice. Emily will call him and try to get him to give a maximum figure for putting locks on the cases that he has already looked at.
The committee discussed the need for some kind of frame storage rack. This will be assessed when we move all the framed items back to the library.
Celina discussed the possibility of creating more historical collections storage by building folding doors to enclose the inset corner of the upstairs meeting room.
The committee discussed hanging the Tucker Toll Bridge sign in the main area of the library.
8. New Business–none.
9. Review agenda items for next meeting if applicable–Next meeting Monday Dec 8, 9am.
11. Adjourn–10:06am.