Historical Collections Committee Special Meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thursday, April 3, 2014
at The Rockingham Free Public Library
In attendance:
Committee Members:
Emily Zervas, Carolyn Frisa, Pat Fowler
Invited Guests and Members of the Public:
Kathy Michel
Jane Mitchell
Elayne Clift
Arnold Clift
Sam Maskall
Draft Minutes

  1. Call to Order—Meeting called to order by Carolyn at 6:43 pm
  2. Additions and changes to the agenda. None.
  3. Public comment—Arnold said he thought that this was a Friends of the Library Meeting.
  4. Approve minutes of March 27, 2014 Special Meeting: Pat moved the minutes be approved as written. Carolyn seconded.
  5. Planning Session for Library Grand Opening Event. In addition to tweaking the schedule represented in the Google Docs Schedule, the group made the following assignments of duties:

-plaque discussion was put off as there isn’t enough time to design, order and install one.
-Emily will work on a Library History display
-dignitaries and special guests: local representatives, the governer, previous library staff, former board members etc
-Alan asked for guidelines for the photographs—Emily will look at his show at VT Pretzel and give him suggestions.
-FactTV will lend their monitor for Alan’s slide show
-Pat and Carolyn are working on food donations
-A sheet cake will be donated by the board.
-Sam will find a helium tank for deocartion balloons.
-Pat will borrow the Chamber’s ribbon cutting scissors
-PR: Save the Date PR is out and Sam will write and release more complete PR.
-The adobt a  plant display will be developed by Emily.

  1. Other business: Next meeting set for Tuesday, April 15 6:30 (this was postponed til Monday 4/12 at 6:30).
  2. Adjourned: 8:03pm meeting adjourned.