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Committee Members in Attendance: David Gould, Doreen Aldrich, Carolyn Frisa, and Pat Fowler. Library Personnel: Celina Houlne (Library Director)
Chairman Gould called the meeting to order at 8:35am. No additions or changes to the agenda were proposed. No public comment was made.
Minutes of July 21, 2014 Personnel Committee- Aldrich asked that “the motion” be added before “carried unanimously” for the two recorded motions. Aldrich moved the minutes be approved as amended, seconded by Frisa, and the motion carried unanimously.
The previously identified differences between the current Town Personnel Rules (adopted August 31,2004 including amendments approved through January 31, 2012) and the RFPL Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual (adopted June 19, 2008 including amendments approved through September 12,2008) were reviewed. Recommendations from the Personnel Committee regarding these differences will be brought to the Board of Trustees at their regularly scheduled meeting on September 9,2014 for review.
The Committee discussed inclement weather closing procedures and reviewed the closures from the past year in comparison with the lecal public schools. The committee concluded that inclement weather closing should be at the discretion of the library director,with the understanding that good discretion must be used. This will be brought to the full board for review at the regularly scheduled meeting on September 9, 2014.
The Committee conducted an interview with Celina Houlne (Library Director) to discuss her progress/achievements and areas of concern since her rehiring. Upcoming projects requiring more attention/work from Ms. Houlne were identified and discussed. A report of the interview will be presented to the Committee at their next meeting.
The next meeting of the Personnel Committee will take place on Thursday, October 9 at 12:00pm in the Youth Department Program Room.
Frisa moved to adjourn at 10:15 am,seconded by Aldrich,and the motion carried unanimously.
Draft minutes respectfully submitted on September 8,2014 by Secretary Frisa.