RFPL Library BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meeting Minutes
February 24, 2015
Please click here to download a .pdf of these minutes: rfpltusteesMinutesFeb24-15
Present: Doreen Aldrich, Secretary; Carol Blackwood, Chair; Patricia Fowler, Carolyn Frisa, David Gould, Trustees; Celina Houlne, & Mary VanHartesveldt, Library
Absent: Hope Brissette, Karin Fischer, L. Raymond Massucco, and Jan Mitchell-Love
Others Present: Steve Geller
Call to Order: The Rockingham Free Public Library Trustees Board of Trustees was called to order by Carol at 6:23pm
Additions to Agenda: Vermont Arts Council Grant
Public Comment: Steve Geller recognized the contribution that Carolyn Frisa had made as a Board member and wanted to thank her for her hard work and persistence in addressing issues.
Minutes of the Feb 17, 2015 meeting were approved after being corrected to show that Celina had been present at the Nov 25th meeting.
Committee Reports: Policy Committee: The Code of Ethics Policy (taken from the Vermont League of City & Towns) was adopted, to take effect March 3, 2015 with the new Board. Discussion on the need for each member of the Board of Trustees to take an Oath of office, as indicated in our new bylaws. David moved that the Library Board of Trustees adopt the Oath of Office as printed, seconded by
Carolyn, to be administered at the first meeting of the year after Town Meeting or if a new person is appointed to the Board. Unanimously approved.
Finance Committee: Pat reported that a Resolution Form will be required for People’s Bank after Town Meeting. Minutes of the February 23 Finance meeting were reviewed by the full board. Fowler will contact Northwest Mututal to arrange for a brokerage account for the Ostebo estate donation.
Historical Collection Committee: Carolyn reported that the committee had met with the Intern on Mon Feb 23rd. A Pocket Response Emergency Plan will be completed on what to move, where. Carolyn requested that she be allowed to remain on the
committee as a member of the public and Board members agreed that public members are encouraged.
The next meeting will be Mon March 30 at 9am when the Collection Management Plan will be reviewed.
Bylaws: Carolyn moved and David seconded the motion that the Board accepts the Bylaws, as a second confirmation of their adoption. Unanimously approved.
New Business: Carolyn reported that the Vermont Arts Council offers a Cultural Facilities Grant that can be used for display panels and cases, video conferencing, etc as a matching grant for up to $30,000. The deadline is May 1 and the Historical Collection Committee will work on a proposal.
David moved and Doreen seconded that we go into Executive Session to discuss legal issues where premature general public knowledge would clearly place the RFPL at a substantial disadvantage and that the Director be invited to attend at 6:58. At 7:09, the Board came back into session. Pat moved and David seconded that the Board Chair be authorized to act on the behalf of the RFPL Trustees in relation to the ongoing SMP mediations and it was unanimously approved.
Meeting adjourned at 7:11
submitted by Patricia Fowler