Draft Minutes RFPL Historical Collection Meeting
Monday February 23, 2015, 9:00 am,
Youth Dept Program Room
Please click here to download a .pdf of these minutes: HistCollMtg 2-23-15
Committee members present: Carolyn Frisa, Karin Fischer Library Personnel: Celina Houlne, Emily Zervas Public: Duane Whitehead
1. Chairperson Frisa called the meeting to order at 9:07.
2. The agenda was adopted as written.
3. Fischer moved to approve the minutes from the December meeting, and the motion passed unanimously.
4. There was no public comment.
5. Plan for moving collection back to library: Zervas has done some organizing and will work with her replacement, Nancy Tusinski, on this.
6. New Display and Exhibit Planning: This will be a project for Nancy Tusinski.
7. NEH Grand Project and Intern Status: The intern is meeting with Zervas and Frisa later this morning. Frisa and Zervas will design the process for re-housing and then train the intern. Both Nancy Tusinski and the intern can work on this. There do not appear to be any strict time constraints for completion of the project.
8. Historical Collection Librarian Training: Zervas will give Tusinski a training-tour of the collection on her first day, and will act as a resource.
9. Pocket Response Emergency Plan: Frisa has finished her part and said there are some details that Houlne needs to fill in. She noted that we need to decide who will be on the disaster management team. Frisa will order and donate envelopes to house the pocket plans.
10. Review Collection Management Plan: We reviewed and discussed many details from the plan. Frisa made notes and will revise. We will look over the plan once more before passing it to the full board.
11. There was no new business.
12. The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for March 30, 2015 at 9:00 am.
13. The meeting adjourned at 10:29 am. Respectfully submitted by Karin Fischer, February 27, 2015