Rockingham Free Public Library BOARD OF TRUSTEES
Historical Collection Committee
MARCH 30, 2015, 9 AM
Click here to download a .pdf of these minutes: RFPLHistoricalCollMinutesMarch 30 2015
Trustees Present: Karin Fischer, Pat Fowler, Leslie Lassetter & Martha Rowley
Library Personnel Present: Celina Houlne, Director, Nancy Tusinski, Emily Zervas
Members of the Public Present: Carolyn Frisa & Duane Whitehead, Committee members
- The meeting was called to order at 9:21am in the top floor meeting room.
- Agenda items were added for the Collections Policy Management & Locks for the cabinets
- There was no public comment.
- Karin Fischer was elected as Chair, Pat Fowler as Secretary
- Minutes of the Feb 23 meeting were approved as corrected to include a time constraint for the grant that was received on Jan 1 and must be completed June 2016.
- The new Reference Librarian, Nancy, is being trianed by Emily and is reviewing paper and computer files on Mondays through April 27.
- NEH Grant must be completed by June 2016. Ordering of materials is almost complete. Nancy will be working with an Intern from Simmons College on the project once a week. Carolyn & Emily indicated that Vermont Pretzel is selling some wide wire racks similar to the ones we have.
- New Business: Collection Policy Management was reviewed at the last meeting. This should be reviewed at our next meeting and then sent to the full board for approval. Tru-Vue Grant will be submitted with updated numbers on using low glare plexiglass and retrofitting the old cabinets with locks. A Conservation framing grant will be re-evaluated on costs and resubmitted paying the conservator. Dick’s Locks has submitted an estimate for approximately $800. A motion was approved that this project be referred to the full Board for approval and funding.
- Review of Tasks for next meeting: Celina will email corrected Collection Policy Management with changes indicated to the committee members. Carolyn will update costs on the Tru-Vue grant to enable us to resubmit it. Lock proposal and Collection Policy Management should be added to next agenda of the full board for approval. Tru-Vue grant review. Pat to contact Carol Blackwood with agenda items of the Lock Proposal and Collection Policy Management. A reminder that New Business should be moved before the Review Tasks item on our agendas so that tasks developed under the new business can be added for the next meeting.
- Next meeting will be held on April 27 at 9am
- Meeting adjourned at 10:02am
Respectfully submitted by Patricia Fowler