Historical Collection Committee DRAFT Minutes: March 30, 2015

Rockingham Free Public Library BOARD OF TRUSTEES

Historical Collection Committee

MARCH 30, 2015,   9 AM

 Click here to download a .pdf of these minutes: RFPLHistoricalCollMinutesMarch 30 2015

Trustees Present: Karin Fischer, Pat Fowler, Leslie Lassetter & Martha Rowley

Library Personnel Present: Celina Houlne, Director, Nancy Tusinski, Emily Zervas

Members of the Public Present: Carolyn Frisa & Duane Whitehead, Committee members


  1. The meeting was called to order at 9:21am in the top floor meeting room.
  2. Agenda items were added for the Collections Policy Management & Locks for the cabinets
  3. There was no public comment.
  4. Karin Fischer was elected as Chair, Pat Fowler as Secretary
  5. Minutes of the Feb 23 meeting were approved as corrected to include a time constraint for the grant that was received on Jan 1 and must be completed June 2016.
  6. The new Reference Librarian, Nancy, is being trianed by Emily and is reviewing paper and computer files on Mondays through April 27.
  7. NEH Grant must be completed by June 2016. Ordering of materials is almost complete. Nancy will be working with an Intern from Simmons College on the project once a week. Carolyn & Emily indicated that Vermont Pretzel is selling some wide wire racks similar to the ones we have.
  8. New Business: Collection Policy Management was reviewed at the last meeting. This should be reviewed at our next meeting and then sent to the full board for approval. Tru-Vue Grant will be submitted with updated numbers on using low glare plexiglass and retrofitting the old cabinets with locks. A Conservation framing grant will be re-evaluated on costs and resubmitted paying the conservator. Dick’s Locks has submitted an estimate for approximately $800. A motion was approved that this project be referred to the full Board for approval and funding.
  9. Review of Tasks for next meeting: Celina will email corrected Collection Policy Management with changes indicated to the committee members. Carolyn will update costs on the Tru-Vue grant to enable us to resubmit it. Lock proposal and Collection Policy Management should be added to next agenda of the full board for approval. Tru-Vue grant review. Pat to contact Carol Blackwood with agenda items of the Lock Proposal and Collection Policy Management.   A reminder that New Business should be moved before the Review Tasks item on our agendas so that tasks developed under the new business can be added for the next meeting.
  10. Next meeting will be held on April 27 at 9am
  11. Meeting adjourned at 10:02am



Respectfully submitted by Patricia Fowler