Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes: October 27, 2015


27 October 2015

6:15 PM

Click here to download a .pdf of these minutes:  2015 10 27 Board of Trustees Minutes

Trustees Present: Carol Blackwood, Chair; Doreen Aldrich, John Bohannon, Karin Fischer, Pat Fowler, Leslie Lassetter, Ray Massucco, Martha Rowley, Ellen Taetzsch.


Library Personnel Present: Celina Houlne, Director; Mary Van Heltesveldt


No members of the public present.


  1. Meeting was called to order at 6:20 pm.


  1. There were no additions to the agenda.


  1. There was no public comment.


  1. Bohannon moved and Lasseter seconded that the 22 Sept 2015 minutes be amended to include the following clarification regarding item number 10: Massucco moved and Bohannon seconded that the board enter into executive session to discuss contracts, labor relations, agreements with employees, arbitration, mediation, grievances, civil actions or prosecutions by the state where premature general public knowledge would clearly place the RFPL at a substantial disadvantage, and that Library Director Celina Houlne be invited to attend. The motion passed unanimously. Upon leaving executive session, no action was taken.

The minutes for the 22 Sept 2015 were unanimously approved.


  1. Director’s report was presented.


  1. Committee Reports


Building and Grounds: Roof repair. One bid has been submitted. The committee will meet after receiving at least one additional bid.


Policy Committee: Rowley moved that the board accepted changes to the leave policy as noted in attachments to reinstate pro-rated sick and holiday benefits for part-time employees. The changes were unanimously approved.


Finance Committee: Fowler moved and Aldrich seconded that the proposed FY 17 budget be approved with adjustments. The budget was unanimously approved.


  1. Planning for annual appeal is in process and board members are encouraged to participate.


  1. There was no new business.


  1. The next meeting was set for 17 November 2015 at 6:15 pm at the library so as to avoid scheduling conflicts the week of Thanksgiving.


  1. Bohannon moved and Massucco seconded that the board enter executive session to discuss contracts, labor relations agreements with employees, arbitration, mediation, grievances, civil actions or prosecutions by the state. Houlne was invited to attend part of this session. The motion was unanimously approved.


Following executive session, Bohannon moved to accept the draft of the director’s evaluation with discussed changes. Massucco seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


  1. Review of tasks:

Personnel Committee: finalize director review.

Building and Grounds: evaluate bids for roof repairs.

Policy Committee: evaluate impact of retroactively reinstating sick leave benefits.

Full Board: sign appeal letters.


  1. At 8:05 pm Lassetter moved to adjourn, Bohannon seconded, unanimously approved.


Respectfully submitted by Karin Fischer.