Special Board of Directors Meeting
3 Nov , 2015
6:30 PM
Top floor Meeting Room
Click here to download a .pdf of these minutes: RFPLboard11-3-15
Trustees Present: Carol Blackwood, Chair; Doreen Aldrich, John Bohannon, Karin Fischer, Pat Fowler, Leslie Lassetter, Ray Massucco, Martha Rowley, Ellen Taetzsch.
Library Personnel Present: Celina Houlne, Director
No members of the public present.
- Call to order at 6:35 pm
- No additions to the agenda
- No public comment
- Committee Report: Buildings and Grounds. Discussion of roof repair. No action taken. Additional info and details will be gathered on current bids. Requesting additional bids will be considered.
- Executive Session not needed
- Review tasks: Director will request more details from current bidders. Fischer will forward names of additional potential contractors.
- Bohannon moved to adjourn, Lassetter seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:08 pm.