Board of Trustees
Special Building and Grounds Committee Meeting Minutes
November 3, 2015
6:00 PM
Present: Doreen Aldrich, Chairperson; L. Raymond Massucco and Ellen Taetzsch, Committee Members; Martha Rowley, Library Trustee
Call to Order: Chairperson Aldrich called the meeting to order at 6:00 p. m.
Additions to the Agenda for routine administrative matters and/or pressing matters that will require ratification at a future meeting: None
Public Comment (3 minutes per person): None
Approve Minutes of July 30, 2015 Meeting: Houlne pointed out that the word “Buildings” in the heading has a typo. Taetzsch moved to accept the minutes as corrected. Massucco seconded and the motion carried.
Review of Flat Roof Proposal: Houlne advised that she had talked with both R. B. Cook Construction and Jancewicz; neither included insulation in their quote. The original plan at the time of the renovation was to include it. Jancewicz said to add about $5,000 and Cook said to add about $6,500. They both will take off the old roof (rectangular section); but Cook will take off all roofing. We have two different bids on two different projects. Massucco asked if any new roof was done at the time of the renovation and Houlne advised that the project got cut out of the renovation when things started going awry. After much discussion, the committee asked Houlne to go back to Jancewicz and ask for a quote on the extra insulation and remove the old roof membrane along the new addition. It was the consensus of the committee that there just wasn’t enough information to make an informed decision to present to the full board of trustees.
Landscaping – Edging Around Building: Corey & Janelle Haskell of Terra Flora, LLC are finished with the landscaping and Celina has pictures. We don’t have a final bill as there was additional work done. Edging was put in on the back side of the building. Haskell will work up a quote on edging the rest of the building. Because of the stone that was put down to eliminate dirt splashing up on the building and windows, the stone works its way on to the lawn and Eric Clark is concerned that the mower can throw a stone or stones breaking the windows. One window has already been cracked because of it. Aldrich asked where the money comes from. Houlne explained that there is a fund with $8,175 in it. There is also $11,700 for repairs and maintenance in the budget. The committee asked to break it down in two sections before recommending to the full board of trustees.
Set Date for Next Meeting and Review Agenda Items: To be Determined.
Review Tasks: Massucco to present samples of plaques to place over the old book depository on the front of the building.
Executive Session: None needed.
Adjourn: Massucco moved to adjourn at 6:35 p. m.
Respectfully submitted:_____________________________11/6/2015
Doreen Aldrich