Library Board Personnel Committee Minutes
July 14, 2016
1:00 PM
Location: Youth Program Room
Click here to download a .pdf of these minutes: 2016.07.14 Personnel Committee Minutes
Trustees in Attendance: John Bohannon, Gary Fox, Ellen Taetzsch and Director Celina Houlne Absent: Martha Rowley
- Call to order. 1:10 pm
- Additions to the agenda for routine administrative matters and/or pressing matters that will require ratification at a future meeting Approval of June 8th minutes will now appear as 3.a0
- Public comment (3 minutes per person) N/A
- a) Approval of June 8th Minutes: Gary Fox motions to approve June 8th minutes as is, seconded
by John Boahnnon. The minutes were unanimously approved.
- Discussion of chronology, form, and procedure for evaluation of Director John Bohannon moves to recommend the approval of the chronology (to become an appendix in personnel policy), form and procedure for evaluation with edits to the full board. Gary Fox seconds motion, unanimously approved.
- Discussion of Director’s contract, grade level and compensation Gary Fox motions to recommend the proposal to replace the Director’s employment contract with new language in the Director’s job description and the Library’s Personnel Policy as written with the exception of the third point, and recommends that as amended to the full board. Ellen Taetzsch seconds that motion. Unanimously approved.
John Bohannon motions to recommend to the full board that the position of the library director will be upgraded from Grade 11 to Grade 15 and the current director, Celina Houlne’s compensation will be increased retroactively to step 2 on grade 12 of the library pay scale beginning July 1, 2016. Ellen Taetzsch seconds the motion, unanimously approved
- Executive Session N/A
- Set Date for Next Meeting and review agenda items To be determined when need arises
- Review Tasks N/A
- Adjourn 2:10 Gary Fox motions to adjourn the meeting. Ellen Taetzsch seconds the motion, unaniomoulsy approved.
Respectfully submitted
Ellen Taetzsch