Strategic Planning Committee Meeting Minutes: July 19, 2016

Strategic Planning Committee Minutes

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Present:  Celina Hulne, Ellen Taetzsch, Gary Lamb, John Bohannon, Leslie Lassetter

Click here to download a .pdf of these minutes: 2016.07.19 Strategic Planning Committee Minutes

Meeting was called to order at 12:07 p.m.

Minutes for April 6, 2016 meeting were approved as amended:  Item 5.C.i. replace “strategic plan” with “last long range plan.”

A survey of over 50 people indicates no need for strategic change.  Celine reported that the survey was mostly positive:  love what you’re doing; keep doing more.   So there is no need for a dramatic change of direction.

There was discussion over terms:  long range plan vs. strategic plan.  Grants want long range plans.  These used to be 10 year plans and now are 3-5 year plans, due to the speed of technology.

Celine’s staff has gone through the 2005 long range plan to see what has already been accomplished and will continue to discuss/rewrite/evaluate a long range plan for the future.

Recommendation to the board:

  1. Note: The Strategic Planning Committee has investigated and finds no need for strategic change at the library, therefore:
  2. the Committee recommends the director develop with her staff a long range set of goals for the next 5 years. The Director will present this draft at the January meeting.
  3. The Committee recommends a name change, reverting to the former name:  the Long Range Planning Committee.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017 at noon is the next committee meeting, to be confirmed in December.

We adjourned at 12:30 p.m.


Respectfully submitted by

Leslie Lassetter, alternate Secretary