Long Range Planning Committee Meeting Minutes: Monday, January 23, 2017

Board of Trustees: Long Range Planning Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 23, 2017
Location: Top Floor of Rockingham Free Public Library

Click here to download a .pdf of these minutes: 2017.1.23 Long Range Planning Committee Meeting Minutes
Present: John Bohannon, Gary Fox, Leslie Lassetter, Ellen Taetzsch and Celina Houlne
1. Meeting Called to Order at 12:05
2. No additions to the agenda for routine administrative matters and/or pressing matters that will require
ratification at a future meeting
3. No public comment
4. Approve minutes of July 19, 2016 meeting
Ellen moves, John seconds
Discussion: 1. Correction to Celina Houlne’s name and change Gary Lamb to Gary Fox. 2. Delete
word last from ‘Minutes for April 6, 2016 meeting were approved as amended: Item 5.C.i. replace
“strategic plan” with “last long range plan.”’
Motion passed. Leslie abstained
5. Review Long Range Plan Outline
The long range plan was reviewed and approved as a general format with general categories. Celina
was directed to continue on this path and will present the general format to the entire board.
6. Set date for next meeting and review agenda items
The next meeting will be in June. The date will be determined in May
7. Review tasks
Celina and staff will continue working on the Long Range Plan and add tasks and time lines to each
8. Executive Session – not necessary
9. Adjourn
John moves to adjourn at 12:55, Ellen seconds
Respectfully submitted by Ellen Taetzsch 1/25/2017