Library Board of Trustees Meeting – January 26, 2017
Present: Board members Carol Blackwood, John Bohannon, Gary Fox, Leslie Lassetter, Ray Massucco, Martha Rowley, and Library Director, Celina Houlne
Click here to download a .pdf of these minutes: 2017.01.26 Board Minutes
- Call to Order: John Bohannon called the meeting to order at 6:25.
- Additions to Agenda for routine administrative matters and/or pressing matters that will require ratification at a future meeting: None
- Public Comment (3 minutes per person: None
- Approve Minutes of November 29, 2016 meeting: John Bohannon made a motion to approve the minutes of November 29, 2016. Motion was seconded by Leslie Lassetter. Ray Massucco noted that Polly Montgomery had attended the meeting. Motion to approve the minutes passed, with the addition of Polly Montgomery’s name.
- Director’s Report: The Director pointed out the Vermont Humanities Council VT Reads series of programs, Friends’ trivia fundraiser event on March 11, and the resignation of the Reference Librarian. Anticipated hiring for this position is in March.
- Budget FY 2017 Update: Director explained that the preliminary year-end projection is a rough estimate and will change depending on the new employee’s choice of benefits. So far the annual appeal has brought in $4,555. Also, VLCT will not be moving librarians to a different classification for workers comp and the rate will not increase.
- March Election and Board Openings: The Board reviewed what seats will be open in March. Members Doreen Aldrich, Carol Blackwood and Ray Massucco will not be running this year.
- Board Authorization for Officer’s Signing Authority: John Bohannon made a motion that the RFPL Board of Trustees authorize any officer of the Board of Directors to sign routine documents that do not deal with changes of policy or commitment of unbudgeted funds; and that this authorization be reviewed for renewal annually. Motion was seconded by Martha Rowley. Ray Massucco offered an amendment to replace the word ‘Directors’ with the word ‘Trustees’. Amendment was accepted and the motion passed.
- Long Range Plan Update: John Bohannon reported for the Long Range Planning Committee who met on Jan. 23 to review current draft of the next long range plan. The Board reviewed the three main priorities listed and discussed possible language change for the mission statement. Committee will report again in June.
- Other Business: Announcements included Leslie Lassetter will sign warrants for the next two weeks, the Friends are looking at fundraising for Jerry Pfohl’s artwork (which will be on exhibit in the library this spring), storage areas are being reorganized for historical collection, and video-conference equipment has been received from the State Library, thanks to a grant processed by Marty Reid. She’ll be leaving her position soon since the Governor will be appointing a new State Librarian.
- Review and Approve Warrants: Done
- Review Action Items, and Proposed Agenda Items for Next Meeting: Done
- Review Date for Next Meeting: February 28.
- Executive Session (If Necessary): None
- Adjourn: John Bohannon made the motion to adjoin at 7:07. Motion seconded by Leslie Lassetter. Motion passed.
Minutes submitted by Celina Houlne, January 30, 2017