Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes: Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Rockingham Free Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Click here to download a pdf of these minutes: 2018.05.22 Board Meeting Minutes


Present: John Bohannon, Ellen Taetzsch, Martha Rowley, Kate Kane, Heidi Lauricella, Don Tretler, Gary Fox, Susan Spaulding, Célina Houlné

Absent: Brady Weinstock

Guests: None


  1. Call to Order : 6:03 PM
  2. Additions to Agenda for routine administrative matters and/or pressing matters that

will require ratification at a future meeting : None

  1. Public Comment (3 minutes per person) : None
  2. Approve Minutes of March 20th meeting : Moved by Ellen, second by Don, approved unanimously
  3. Director’s Report & FY 2018 Budget Status Report : Celina reported that the library will be over budget, in the $16,000 range. The Friends donated $1000 to general fund. Friends will host Welcome Center on August 3rd; many volunteers needed.
  4. Financial Actions
  5. Reserve-Whitcomb Fund & Reserve-Landscaping Fund

Gary made the motion that all funds currently in the Reserve-Whitcomb Landscaping Fund and the Reserve-Landscaping Fund may be spent by the Library Director for work on Library grounds.  Heidi seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

  1. Reserve-Memorial Donations Fund

John moved that any funds received as Memorial Donations that remain unused at the end of FY 18, be moved into the Reserve-Memorial Donations Fund.  Second by Susan; motion passed unanimously.

  1. Reserve-Windham Foundation Grant Fund

Heidi moved that a new reserve fund be established, to be called Reserve-Windham Foundation Grant, and that grant funds received but not spent by the end of FY 18, be moved into this reserve fund.  Kate seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

  1. Reserve-Historical Collection Fund

Ellen moved that a new reserve fund be established, to be called Reserve-Historical Collection, and that funds received for the Historical Collection but not spent by the end of FY 18, be moved into this reserve fund.  Second by Gary; motion passed unanimously.

  1. FY18 Transfer of Funds

Don moved that the sum of $13,267.73 of FY18 Trust & Interest income not yet turned over to the Town, be withdrawn by the Treasurer from the Library’s account at River Valley Credit Union, in a bank check, and be given to the Library Director to present to the Town.  Gary seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

  1. Fundraising Committee: In Brady’s absence, Kate reported that the committee proposes a June Postcard Appeal. Celina shared the proposed postcard format, with wording by Brady, and Gary suggested that it include some indication of what size donation would be helpful. Celina also shared the bequest informational brochure she has created; we will work to get it into the hands of lawyers and accountants.
  2. Executive Session : Director’s Semi-Annual Performance Review

Ellen moved that premature general public knowledge of the details concerning a personnel matter involving a RFPL employee will clearly place the employee and the Board at a substantial disadvantage by disclosing the personal details of this topic.  The motion was seconded and approved.

Ellen moved that the Board enter into executive session to discuss a personnel matter where premature general public knowledge would clearly place the RFPL at a substantial disadvantage, and that the Director be invited to attend.  The motion was seconded and approved.

The committee entered executive session at 6:35 PM.  The committee exited executive session at 6:40, and unanimous consent was given to the director’s semi-annual performance review.

  1. Other Business:

Gary encouraged the board to attend a presentation by the VT Council of Rural Development at the May 29th selectboard meeting at 6:00 PM as well as a June 19th public meeting of Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy in the lower theater at the Opera House.  John suggested that the library bring a cart of books, left over from the book sale, to give away at the Friday Farmers Markets from 3:00 to 7:00 PM beginning June 1st.  The library has a Debbie Wentzel painting on display that will be raffled to raise money for the Community Asylum Seekers Project.

  1. Review and Approve Warrants : Done
  2. Review Action Items, and Proposed Agenda Items for Next Meeting : None
  3. Review Date for Next Meeting : July 24 at 6 PM
  4. Adjourn : Heidi moved; meeting adjourned at 7:02 PM


Respectfully submitted,



Kate Kane, Secretary

Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda: Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

6:00 PM

Location: Top Floor Meeting Room (or Youth Program Room)


1. Call to Order

2. Additions to Agenda for routine administrative matters and/or pressing matters that will require ratification at a future meeting

3. Public Comment (3 minutes per person)

4. Approve Minutes of March 20 meeting

5. Director’s Report & FY 2018 Budget Status Report

6. Financial Actions

a. Reserve-Whitcomb Fund & Reserve-Landscaping Fund

b. Reserve-Memorial Donations Fund

c. Reserve-Windham Foundation Grant Fund

d. Reserve-Historical Collection Fund

e. FY18 Transfer of Funds

7. Fundraising Committee – June Postcard Campaign

8. Executive Session– Director’s Semi-Annual Performance Review

9. Other Business

10. Review and Approve Warrants

11. Review Action Items, and Proposed Agenda Items for Next Meeting

12. Review Date for Next Meeting: July 24

13. Executive Session (If Necessary)

14. Adjourn

Posted May 17, 2018