Rockingham Free Public Library
Board of Trustees
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Click here to download a .pdf of these minutes 2020.03.10 Library Board Meeting Minutes
Present: John Bohannon, Dale Kondracki, Martha Rowley, Don Tretler, Mary Shepard, Duane Whitehead, Brady Weinstock, Celina Houlne
Absent: Kathleen Hacker, Ellen Taetzsch
1. Call to order: 6:05 pm
2. Additions to Agenda for routine administrative matters and/or pressing matters that will require ratification at a future meeting: John added a discussion of the COVID-19 virus in relation to the library.
3. Public Comment (3 minutes per person): Pat Fowler and Duane Case
4. Oath of Office: Completed – Brady, Duane. Mary will complete this week.
5. Election of Officers: Don moved that the Board elect officers as follows: John Bohannon as Chair, Ellen Taetzsch as Vice Chair, Martha Rowley as Treasurer, and Brady Weinstock as Secretary. Motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
6. Selection of Regular Meeting Date, Time & Schedule for Year: Meetings will be held the first Tuesday of every other month at 6 pm; the next meeting will be May 5. Celina will fill out the calendar template and send to everyone with the dates for the year ahead.
7. Affirmation of Rules of Procedure, Policy, Code of Ethics, and Signature Authorization: Celina encouraged everyone to re-read these documents, and for new members to read now, especially about open meeting law. Don moved that the Board authorize any officer of the Board to sign routine documents that do not deal with changes of policy or commitment of unbudgeted funds, and that this authorization be reviewed for renewal annually. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
8. Trustee Committees & Assignment Requests: Duane agreed to serve on the Buildings and Grounds Committee instead of Brady.
9. Approve Minutes of January 7, 2020 Meeting: Mary moved, Dale seconded, unanimously approved.
10. Director’s Report & FY20 Budget Status Report: The library is getting ready for the book sale but waiting to see what the state Health Department decides regarding COVID-19 and public spaces. The Friends of the Library bought and donated a sound amplifier for hard-of-hearing patrons to be used at the front desk, and assisted-listening receivers for use during programming here at the library. The mobile WIFI hotspots came in (provided by a grant from the Public
Library Association) and so far one has been lent out. They can be checked out for one week at time. A reminder that connectivity can be spotty in some areas because it is not using Verizon, which is the service that works best here. Celina encouraged Board members to attend the Vermont Library Trustees & Friends Conference, which will be May 29 in Killington.
11. Review FY2021 Budget: Celina explained what happened when the library budget tax revenue was level funded at Town Meeting. John moved that the Board authorize the Chair, the Executive Director, and any other staff or Board members they select, to address the Rockingham Select Board and the Town Manager concerning the processing of the library’s 2021 budget. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
12. Other Business: Celina reported that staff have been keeping up with current policies from the American Library Association about how to deal with public health issues in light of the COVID-19 situation. They are waiting to see what the Vermont Department of Health and Town of Rockingham dictate in terms of public buildings.
13. Review Action Items and Proposed Agenda Items for Next Meeting: The semi-annual review of the library Director and the Personnel Committee meeting will be on the May agenda, along with a review of FY2021.
14. Executive Session (if necessary): N/A
15. Adjourn: Mary moved, Martha seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:03 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Brady Weinstock, Secretary