Board Trustees Meeting Minutes: Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Rockingham Free Public Library

Board of Trustees

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Click here to download a .pdf of these minutes.

Present: John Bohannon, Dale Kondracki, Martha Rowley, Ellen Taetzsch, Brady Weinstock, Duane Whitehead, Mary Shepard, Don Tretler, Celina Houlne; Sam Maskell, library staff

Absent: Kathleen Hacker

LOCATION: To protect the health of the public, the meeting was held online via Zoom.

1. Call to Order: 6:02 pm

2. Additions to Agenda for routine administrative matters and/or pressing matters that will require ratification at a future meeting: n/a

3. Public Comment (3 minutes per person): n/a

4. Approve Minutes of July 7, 2020 Meeting: Mary moved, Ellen seconded. Motion was unanimously approved.

5. Director’s Report & FY20 Budget Status Report: The library has been very busy with curbside and in-person patron visits. Even though people can come in, many people are still happy with calling and doing curbside pickup. The people who do come in are really happy to be there. Thirty-minute appointments can be made on the library web site or by calling. (Families are allowed to come in together but must stay together and all wear masks.) The State Library survey reported that 17% of VT libraries are doing appointments like we are; 41% are open for limited in-person access without appointments (first-come, first-served); 40% are doing only curbside; 2% are not open at all. The book sale is almost on! Signage will go up next week. People will need to make appointments using the same methods as for in-person library visits. The community meal distribution program Everyone Eats (funded through federal grants) has begun and people can learn more about this on the library web site. You can even pick up for neighbors and other households now. A new online service being offered is Wowbrary – a new interactive online tool to browse library shelves and see latest releases and place books on hold. It also has a newsletter that patrons can sign up for. Sam reported that the Youth program had its first in-person event since March — it was held outside and was a great event, about 80 people.

6. Fundraising Committee Report: Brady reported that the committee had a good discussion and agreement on how to move forward with the Annual Appeal, as it concerns email vs. postal mail. The consensus was to offer patrons an option to select as to how they would like to be contacted so that we don’t miss half the people by choosing one way or the other. People will be able to donate via a link on the library web site – the donation button belongs to the Friends, but they will donate the money directly to the library. The Friends will be distributing raffle tickets to board members next week for them to sell. Tickets will also be sold in person at the library, online, and at Village Square Booksellers.

7. Financial Action – Investment Account

a. Brady moved that the Treasurer of the Library Board of Trustees, Martha Rowley, is authorized to reinvest the Rockingham Library’s River Valley Credit Union CD that will mature on 10/26/2020 into a similarly safe investment at the best rate of return we can find; this authorization allows the Treasurer to remove the money from the River Valley Credit Union, if necessary, and to move it via bank check into a new Rockingham Library investment. Mary seconded, motion passed unanimously.

b. John moved that the persons authorized to be signatories on the new Rockingham Library investment account referenced in the previous motion shall be the Treasurer, Martha Rowley, and the Library Director, Celina Houlne. Ellen seconded, motion passed unanimously.

8. Contract Negotiations:

a. John moved that the board authorize John Bohannon and Brady Weinstock to represent the library Board of Trustees in upcoming union contract negotiations, and that attorney Ray Massucco be invited to attend on behalf of the library. Martha seconded, motion passed unanimously.

b. John moved that the RFPL begin this cycle of union negotiations after the town has completed its negotiations with the union. Ellen seconded, motion passed unanimously.

9. Other Business: Duane will be joining the Finance Committee.

10. Warrants: Still need a few more warrants signed; Dale will sign them.

11. Review Date for Next Personnel Committee Meeting – Director’s Evaluation: John will communicate with the committee to set a date.

12. Review Date for Next Finance Committee Meeting – FY22 Budget: Martha and Celina will communicate with the committee to set a date.

13. Review Date for Next Board Meeting: November 3 at 6:00 pm

14. Review Agenda Items for Next Meeting: Annual evaluation for the director; how Covid will be affecting us going into the new year; presentation of budget to Selectboard and moving forward to get it into the Town Report.

15. Executive Session (If Necessary): n/a

16. Adjourn: Ellen moved to adjourn, Mary seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:51 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Brady Weinstock, Secretary