Rockingham Free Public Library
Board of Trustees
Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2020
Present: John Bohannon, Martha Rowley, Ellen Taetzsch, Brady Weinstock, Duane Whitehead, Mary Shepard, Don Tretler, Celina Houlne; Mary Van Hartesveldt, library staff
Absent: Kathleen Hacker, Dale Kondracki
Click here to download a .pdf of these minutes.
LOCATION: To protect the health of the public, the meeting was held online via Zoom.
1. Call to Order: 6:07 pm
2. Additions to Agenda for routine administrative matters and/or pressing matters that will require ratification at a future meeting: n/a
3. Public Comment (3 minutes per person): n/a
4. Approve Minutes of September 1, 2020 Meeting: Martha moved, Ellen seconded. The minutes erroneously read that the next meeting was Nov. 3, but it should be Nov. 10. Motion passed unanimously as amended.
5. Director’s Report: New handout for kids’ programs is available now. Lots of events planned. Anne received a grant for winter programs related to climate change — only 2 libraries in the state received this. Friends of the Library raffle tickets still being sold — the drawing for gift cards is at the end of the month. The cash raffle will be held once all tickets are finished. More people have been visiting the library in person, so now, in addition to making an appointment to visit, patrons can come to the door and see if there is space to enter without an appointment. (Generally, this is available 10-1, and 4-5:30 or 6 depending on the library’s hours of operation that day).
6. Personnel Committee Meeting Report: Director’s evaluation will be sent by Google Form. If someone cannot access this at home, John requests that you come to the library to fill it out on a computer. Committee will meet on Dec. 3 to prepare a draft report. At the next full board meeting on Jan. 7, the Personnel Committee will present the summary of the data to the full board.
7. Financial Action – TD Bank Account: Duane moved that the Rockingham Free Public Library Board of Trustees approve Library Director Celina Houlne, Board Treasurer Martha Rowley, and Reference Librarian Virgil Fuller be signers on the TD Bank Petty Cash Checking Account, and for the bookkeeper Mary Van Hartesveldt to have information only access. Martha seconded. Discussion: This is an amendment to include Virgil’s name, as it was left off previously. Motion passed unanimously.
8. FY21 Status Report & FY22 Budget Review: Mary V. and Celina reported on items discussed during the Finance Committee meeting. From those minutes of Oct. 27, 2020: The FY19 budget has some discrepancies between the Town and Library versions, and staff is awaiting answers from auditors. The FY20 actuals are still incomplete and are being audited (auditor, town fee, pension, accrued payroll are unposted at this time). There were spending reductions in FY20 that allowed expenses to come in under budget. The FY22 budget is proposed at level funding with FY21 budget (the final number from FY21 that was approved by the Selectboard). There are reductions in
payroll expenses, insurances, and repairs and maintenance, to name a few categories, that will make the level funding possible. Martha moved that the Board of Trustees approve the FY22 library budget of Four hundred twenty-eight thousand, two hundred eighty-six dollars ($428,286) in operating expenses for the support of the Rockingham Free Public Library, Three Hundred Seventy-Nine Thousand, Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($379,250) to be raised by taxes. Brady seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
9. 2021 Town Meeting – Budget Petitions & Board Positions a) John moved that the Library Board of Trustees generate a petition to have the Library’s FY 22 annual budget, the petition to have the following language: “Shall the voters of the Town of Rockingham raise and appropriate the sum of Four hundred twenty-eight thousand, two hundred eighty-six dollars ($428,286) in operating expenses for the support of the Rockingham Free Public Library, Three Hundred Seventy-Nine Thousand, Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($379,250) to be raised by taxes.” Mary seconded. Motion passed unanimously. b) John moved that the Library Board of Trustees generate a petition to have the Library’s annual budget voted on by Australian ballot, the petition to have the following language: “Shall the voters of the Town of Rockingham adopt the budget of the Rockingham Free Public Library by Australian ballot, commencing with the 2022 Town of Rockingham Annual Meeting?” Don seconded. Discussion about benefits and ramifications of this. Motion passed with 5 in favor, 2 abstentions.
10. Other Business: John urged anyone who will be giving a report to write it down as it will be presented, keep it brief, and email the report to the secretary.
11. Warrants: Mary S. will come in to sign them.
12. Review Date for Next Personnel Committee Meeting: Monday, Nov. 23 at 1 pm
13. Review Date for Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, January 5 at 6:00 pm
14. Review Agenda Items for Next Meeting: Personnel Committee will submit draft evaluation.
15. Executive Session (If Necessary): n/a
16. Adjourn: Martha moved to adjourn, Brady seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:23 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Brady Weinstock, Secretary