Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes: Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Rockingham Free Public Library
Board of Trustees
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Present: Carol Blackwood, Don Tretler, Martha Rowley, Brady Weinstock, Ryan Coyne, Claudia
Sofield, Ian Graham
Members of the public: Ryan O’Hara
Absent: Duane Whitehead, Margo Ghia, Mary Shepard
Location: In the Library’s Youth Program Room, and also online via Zoom.

Click here to download a .pdf of these minutes

1. Call to Order: 6:33 pm

2. Additions to Agenda for routine administrative matters and/or pressing matters that will require ratification at a future meeting: n/a

3. Public Comment (3 minutes per person): Ryan O’Hara introduced himself and was here to listen.

4. Approve Minutes of May 3, 2022 Meeting: Brady moved that the minutes be approved. Don seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

5. Director’s Report and FY22 Budget Status Report: Juneteenth – Ian made the decision to close the library (this was not a federal holiday at the time the union contract was negotiated). The mobile
book bike is on its way to Bellows Falls from Oregon! The Friends of the Library will hold its annual fundraiser at the Guilford welcome center on July 29. Anticipating the next book sale will begin
Thursday, August 4 and go for about one month. (Early access to members of Friends of the Library.) Among the large public libraries in the state, we are alone in requiring masks. The
policy/signs will change to “request” the wearing of masks.

6. Update on Building & Grounds: Committee met, looking for estimates on roof repair, steps, and elevator. Committee will meet again mid-fall, but Ian will continue to push for estimates.

7. Motion and Discussion: approval for expense lines $1,000 or more over budget (if necessary):
Martha moved that the Library Board of Trustees approve additional expenses (expected to be more than $1,000 over budget line) for the line item Pension/VMERS (currently $4,639 over
budget line and unlikely to increase), as stipulated in the Library Director’s job description. Claudia seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

8. Motion and Discussion: August maturity date for SecureFore5 investment: Don moved that the funds in the Global Atlantic/SecureFore 5 Annuity be withdrawn from the account upon maturity and that the Treasurer, Martha Rowley, (in consultation with Director, Ian Graham, and finance librarian, Mary Van Hartesveldt) reinvest that money into another similar fund with protected principal and a reasonable yield. Claudia seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

9. Schedule committee meetings: Personnel Committee will be meeting today following the full board meeting (July 5). Fundraising and Building/Grounds recommended to schedule meetings in

10. Executive Session: Personnel: Brady moved that the Library Board enter executive session for discussion of a personnel issue, under the provisions of Title 1, Section 313 (a) (3). Claudia
seconded. Motion was unanimously approved.
Entered into executive session at 7:35 pm.
Don moved to come out of executive session. Brady seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Left executive session at 7:43 pm.
No action was taken.

11. Other Business: Don moved that the revised director evaluation chronology of 7-5-22 be adopted.
Martha seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

12. Review Action Items, and Proposed Agenda Items for Next Meeting: Mary will be invited to the
next meeting to discuss library annuities. Next meeting is Tuesday, September 6 at 6:30 pm.

13. Review and Approve Warrants

14. Adjourn: Martha moved. Meeting adjourned at 7:51 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Brady Weinstock, Secretary