Rockingham Free Public Library Board of Trustees
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Present: Carol Blackwood, Brady Weinstock, Margo Ghia, Ginny Massucco, Wendy Levy, Ryan Coyne; Ian Graham, Director
Members of the public: n/a
Absent: Don Tretler, Martha Rowley
Location: In the Library’s Youth Program Room, and also online via Zoom.
- Call to Order: 6:33 pm
- Additions to Agenda for routine administrative matters and/or pressing matters that will require ratification at a future meeting: n/a
- Public Comment (3 minutes per person): n/a
- Library Director’s update: Activities and people in the building are increasing. The library was selected as one of the locations of an e-bike lending program (details still pending). Ian is investigating a grant from the state to create private spaces in libraries for patrons to do telehealth appointments or work calls, etc. In March, the Youth Department began offering weekly playgroups in partnership with the Springfield Area Parent Child Center, Parks Place Community Resource Center, and Greater Falls Connections
- Union Negotiations update: Ian, Sam, Carol, Martha and Wendy met with the union representative in March, but there was no action agreed upon.
- End of Year Budget update: Expenses for the year are on track, but revenue is In some years, there has been unplanned revenue such as grants or bequests, but it’s important to have realistic annual revenue goals going forward. Ian and the fundraising committee will review and discuss.
- Investment(s) update: Martha and Ian found an investment for the annuity that had matured, putting it into a 12-month CD.
- Discussion and Motion: Transferring Investment Income to Town Prior to end of FY23
Wendy moved that the Treasurer of the Rockingham Free Public Library Board of Trustees is hereby authorized and requested to pay to the Town of Rockingham FY23 investment income in the amount necessary to offset any expenses not covered by other revenue already provided to the Town, such amount to be withdrawn from the 802 Credit Union account in a bank check made payable to the Town of Rockingham. Library staff will record the payment and deliver it to the Town. Margo seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
- Other Business: n/a
- Review Action Items, Propose Agenda Items for Next Meeting: Next meeting will be Wednesday, July 5 at 6:30 pm. We will review the March and May minutes at that meeting.
- Review and Approve Warrants: Wendy and Carol will review and sign the (Martha is away.)
- Adjourn: Margo moved, Wendy Meeting was adjourned at 7:28 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Brady Weinstock, Secretary