Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes: Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Rockingham Free Public Library Board of Trustees

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Click here to download these minutes

Trustees Present: Carol Blackwood (Chair), Don Tretler, Martha Rowley, Margo Ghia, Ryan Coyne Staff Present: Ian Graham (Director)

  1. Call to Order
    1. Carol Blackwood called the meeting to order at 6:30pm
  2. Approve minutes from July 11, 2023
    1. A motion was made by Martha Rowley and seconded by Don Tretler to approve the minutes from the July 11, 2023 meeting. All approved. Motion passed.
  3. Additions to Agenda for routine administrative matters and/or pressing matters that will require ratification at a future meeting
    1. None
  4. Public Comment (3 minutes per person)
    1. None
  5. Library Updates
    1. The Bibliobike grant has officially come to a Ava did a wonderful job working on the program. Thank you to the BF Rotary who helped close the summer season by funding 3 weeks of Ava’s time. Greater Falls Connection awarded Ava with the Youth Active Engagement award for her time with the program. Ava will continue to work at the library part time into the school year.
    2. The Library has hired Pamela Johnson Spurlock as the new Reference Services and Historical Collections Librarian. She officially started on September 1st.
    3. The FY23 financials are still looking We are still waiting for the auditors to be able to finalize the year.
  6. Discussion and Motion: Union MOU and Contract
    1. Carol, Wendy and Ian met with the Union representatives and came up with an agreement that was acceptable to all parties.
    2. A motion was made by Matha Rowley and seconded by Don Tretler to accept the

contract as negotiated with the Union. The contract is effective July 2023 – June 2026. All approved. Motion passed.

  1. Discussion of September 26, 2023 Tri-Board meeting
    1. Ian will have a conversation with a town representative to identify the expectations of the RFPL Trustees for the meeting so we can come prepared to the meeting.
    2. It is hoped that 4 or 5 RFPL Trustees will be able to attend that Carol will send out a notice asking who can participate. Right now we know Carol and Martha are

available. Margo is not available that evening.

  1. Discussion and Motion: Regular RFPL updates at Town of Selectboard meetings
    1. Postponed until next meeting
  2. Discussion and Motion: Union contract post-mortem, including forming a committee and clarifying roles (continued form July meeting)
    1. Postponed until next meeting
  3. Discussion and Motion: Trustee training


  1. Postponed until next meeting
  1. Other Business
    1. Ian will be moving into Bellows Falls He will be happy to be in town.
    2. There is a new book as part of the RFPL It is by trustee Ryan Coyne.
  2. Review Action Items, Propose Agenda Items for next meeting
    1. Add items 8, 9 & 10 from this agenda to the next
    2. Next meeting is scheduled for November 7 at 6:30pm
  3. Review and Approve Warrants
    1. Ian Graham will have trustees come in to sign
  4. Adjourn
    1. A motion was made by Martha Rowley and seconded by Margo Ghia to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:31pm.