Rockingham Free Public Library
Board of Trustees Draft Minutes
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Trustees Present: Margo Ghia (Chair), Mike Sola, Martha Rowley, Carol Blackwood, Ginny Massucco
Staff Present: Ian Graham (Director)
Visitors Present: Ginger Driscoll, Pat Riese (President of the Friends of the Library board)
Click here to download a pdf of these minutes
1. Call to Order
a. Chair Margo Ghia called the meeting to order at 6:33pm
2. Additions to Agenda for routine administrative matters and/or pressing matters that will require ratification at a future meeting
a. None
3. Public Comment (3 minutes per person)
a. Introductions of visitors
i. Ginger Driscoll, who has expressed interest in being appoint to this board
ii. Pat Riese, President of the Friends of the Library board)
4. Approve Minutes of April 4, 2024 Meeting
a. Minutes approved unanimously
5. Board Committee Assignment
a. Building and Grounds
i. Carol Blackwood, Wendy Levy, Ginny Massucco
b. Finance
i. Margo Ghia, Martha Rowley, Wendy Levy
c. Fundraising
i. Margo Ghia, Ryan Coyne
d. Historical Collection
i. Ryan Coyne, Martha Rowley, Ginny Massucco
e. Personnel
i. Margo Ghia, Carol Blackwood, Mike Sola, Wendy Levy
f. Policy
i. Margo Ghia, Carol Blackwood, Mike Sola, Wendy Levy
6. Library Director’s Update, including End of Year Budget Projection
a. Trustees are encouraged to visit the library to see all the changes, including redesigned/repurposed spaces, new indoor gardens, and new kitchenette which will be built for community cooking classes
b. The library has received a grant from the State of Vermont to upgrade network infrastructure, with all systems to be installed by the end of June 2024
c. Director reports that the budget projection is on track
7. Friends of the Library Discussion
a. Pat Riese explained that the annual fund appeal and membership drive will be combined into a single activity likely to be held in the fall
b. Pat shared Friends events for the upcoming year: a plant sale, the Guilford Rest Area fundraiser, movie night at the Opera House, and possibly a book sale
8. Discussion and Motion: Board Vacancy
a. Ginger Driscoll shared her background and explained her interest in joining the library board
b. Carol Blackwood moved that the Library Board of Trustees nominate Ginger Driscoll to the Town of Rockingham Selectboard to fill the vacant seat on the Library Board of Trustees until the next election for Town officers (March 2025); Mike Sola seconds
the motion; motion passes unanimously
9. Discussion: Policy Review: Operational Policy, Personnel Policy, By-Laws
a. Director reports need to review current policies and, where necessary, work within Committee and Board process to update those policies
b. The Policy Committee will meet on Wednesday, June 5, at 6:30pm, to discuss process for reviewing policies
10. Other Business
a. Next meeting will be July 18 at 6:30pm
11. Review and Approve Warrants
a. N/A
12. Adjourn
a. Meeting adjourned at 7:57pm
Respectfully submitted,
Ginny Massucco