Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes: Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Tuesday, September 19, 2017 at 6:15 pm in the Lower Conference Room

Click here to download a .pdf of these minutes.

Present: Ellen Taetzsch <>, Gary Fox <>, Martha Rowley <>, Heidi Lauricella <>, Kate Kane, Susan Spaulding, Brady Weinstock, John Bohannon Chair, Célina Houlné Library

Absent: None

Guests: Polly Montgomery – Friends of the Library


  1. Meeting called to order at 6:15 pm


  1. No Additions to the Agenda


  1. Comments from the general public

Polly Montgomery – $1,400 from exit 1 fundraiser, Christmas reception/party will be on December 2 from 11 am to 1 pm.  Polly asked board members for donations to the raffle.

FACTV will film the donation of the Jerry Pfohl painting at the party. The Friends have enough to buy the painting (including commitments that have not yet been paid but will be in hand before the party).


  1. Martha moved to approve the minutes of July 25, 2017 with corrections of spelling for Polly and adding Celina Houlne. Kate seconds.  Some discussion on detail to include in the minutes, All in Favor with Heidi in abstention as she was absent


  1. Directors Report:

$115 from Carol Blackwood’s Solar credits toward the RFPL electric bill.
Anne, Virgil, Sam and Celina will go to the New England Library Association conference (NELA) in Burlington.   VT Library Association overnight at Air BnB.  2 attendees will be paid by the VT Dept of Libraries (since VT is hosting this New England conference) and the Friends are paying for the other 2.


  1. Budget Status Report – No Comment


  1. Finalize Amendment to By-Law Article II:

July 25 Item #9: John moves that the Library Board of Trustees meet in regular session a minimum of 6 times per year in accordance with 1 V.S.A. & 312 as amended.

Ellen Seconds.  Motion carries unanimously


  1. Long Range Planning Committee:

John moves that the RFPL Board or Trustees approve the Library Long Range plan for 2017 to 2022, with the correction, to include the modification of the Mission Statement, and that the director be instructed to present an update of the status of the priorities each January beginning in 2019, or more frequently if it is deemed appropriate by the board.  Ellen Seconds. Motion carries unanimously


  1. Personnel Committee:

John moves that the board approve the adjustment of the chronology for the Director’s evaluation process, which is necessary because of the change in the board’s meeting schedule, and that this adjustment replace the chronology that is an appendix to the library’s personnel policy documents.

Ellen seconds.  Motion carries unanimously


  1. Fundraising Committee:

Asked the board to go through the 2016 appeal list, and the Rockingham Grand List, and initial people we know, between November 28 and December 15, 2017.

The appeal will be mailed 3rd week of December.


  1. No other business


  1. Review and approve warrants: completed


  1. Tasks or next meeting: FY 19 Budget and Evaluation of Director, Chair requests that Trustees come early, at 6 pm to review the 20 evaluations and draft letter


  1. Next Meeting: November 28 at 6:15 pm


  1. Viewing of “Short Takes for Trustees” educational Videos:

None watched, program considered completed by the RFPL Board of Trustees


  1. Executive Session: not necessary


  1. Meting Adjourned at 7 pm



Respectfully submitted,



Gary Fox, Secretary