Library Board of Trustees Meeting, Draft Minutes, Tuesday September 25, 2018

Rockingham Free Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Present: John Bohannon, Ellen Taetzsch, Martha Rowley, Kate Kane, Heidi Lauricella, Brady Weinstock, Susan Spaulding, Gary Fox, Célina Houlné, Mary Van Hartesveldt

Absent: Don Tretler

Guests: None


  1. Call to Order : 6:03 PM
  2. Additions to Agenda for routine administrative matters and/or pressing matters that will require ratification at a future meeting : None
  3. Public Comment (3 minutes per person) : None
  4. Approve Minutes of July 24 Meeting : Ellen moved, Brady seconded. Approved unanimously with no discussion.
  5. Director’s Report : Célina shared instructions on how to read the budget. The updated long range plan was distributed for board members to peruse in preparation for discussion at the November board meeting.
  6. FY 19 Budget Status Report & Review : All adjustments have not been made by the Rockingham Finance Director. There is a typo on the top line for Transfers into the General Fund. Mary and Célina explained the layout of the budget, and Mary went through section by section.  John requested that Célina point out any anomalies in actual vs. budget amounts as she reports on the budget each month.
  7. Personnel Committee – Review Director’s Evaluation Process : Célina distributed forms for the director’s evaluation; board members should return the forms to the library by October 16th. The Personnel Committee will meet after that date and go over comments, and they will report out at November board meeting. There was unanimous consent for the process as outlined by John.
  8. Fundraising Committee – Report & Review of Annual Appeal : The committee is looking at alternative formats for the direct appeal, including adding patron profiles and a program brochure. Célina has obtained the voting lists which will be used to add names to the appeal list; board members will plan to stay late at the November board meeting to go through the list. Célina is still working with the town on getting MuniciPay for online payments.
  9. Other Business : The permits for the solar array for Novus Rockingham Solar have come through, but construction is delayed until December.
  10. Review and Approve Warrants : Completed
  11. Review Action Items, and Proposed Agenda Items for Next Meeting : Comments on Long Range Plan, Budget, Personnel Evaluation, Review Voting Lists
  12. Review Date for Next Meeting: November 27, 2018, at 6 PM
  13. Adjourn : Ellen moved, John seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:52 PM.


Respectfully submitted,



Kate Kane

Secretary2018.09.25 Library Board Meeting Minutes