Monday, April 8th, 2013
4:45 PM at Immanuel Episcopal Church
1. Call to order
2. Additions or changes to agenda
3. Public comment (3 minutes in person)
4. Approve minutes of February 14th Board meeting
Approve minutes of March 14th Board meeting
5. Director’s monthly report & financial report
6. Discuss access to Board meeting minutes – Celina
7. Review dates for meeting with Amy Howlett, and Town Officers Education Conference
8. Review content of Trustees’ notebooks
9. Discuss committee assignments and meeting schedule
10. Other
11. Renovation Project update – Hope Brissette
Discuss April 5th Selectboard meeting and future project plans
12. Executive Session – if necessary
14. Review agenda items for next meeting, Monday, May 13th at 4:45 p.m.
15. Adjourn