Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes: Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Rockingham Free Public Library

Board of Trustees

Tuesday, Jan. 4, 2022


Present: Ellen Taetzsch, Martha Rowley, Don Tretler, Brady Weinstock, Duane Whitehead, Claudia Sofield, Mary Shepard, Dale Kondracki, Kathleen Hacker, Ian Graham

Absent: n/a

Location: In the Library’s Youth Program Room, and also online via Zoom.

click here to download a pdf of these minutes


  1. Call to Order: 6:37 pm
  2. Additions to Agenda for routine administrative matters and/or pressing matters that will require ratification at a future meeting: Director’s evaluation
  3. Public Comment (3 minutes per person): n/a
  4. Approve Minutes of October 25, 2021 meeting: Duane moved, Mary seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
  5. Director’s Report: Ian is settling in and enjoying meeting new patrons and working in the day-to-day operations of the library. The library has been able to remain open despite Covid continuing to cause concern in the region. There has been no disruption in services. Material circulation is still 60-65% of what it was pre-pandemic. Ian wants to gather real data to help inform decisions about operations as Covid continues, and for the future in general.
  6. FY23 Budget adjustments:

Ellen moved that the Board of Trustees amend their approval of the FY23 Rockingham Free Public Library budget, reducing the overall budget to $431,555, and a tax appropriation of $379,250. This change has no impact on the Library’s FY23 program; the new budget reflects savings in the overall benefits expenses based on information available following the Board of Trustees October 25, 2021 budget approval. Further, the Board of Trustees withdraws the process of gathering signatures for a budget petition, as approved at the October 25, 2021 meeting. Martha seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Director’s Job Description proposed change: Personnel Committee will meet before the March board meeting to discuss the line item regarding information on expenses over budgeted amounts and will report to the full board.
  2. Historical Committee Report: Three objects that are being stored by another facility will need to be returned to the library, but they would need to be restored/conserved. The committee will continue its discussion and report to the full board at the March meeting.
  3. March Election and Board Openings: There will be three openings for the board.
  4. Other Business: Usually the board issues a mid-year director’s evaluation at this point in the year, but with the change in director this will not happen this year. There will be an evaluation in June.
  5. Review Action Items, and Proposed Agenda Items for Next Meeting: Historical Committee and Personnel Committee will meet before March and report to the full board.
  6. Review and Approve Warrants
  7. Review Date for Organizational Meeting: Thursday, March 3 at 6:30 pm.
  8. Adjourn: Ellen moved, Mary seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

  • Brady Weinstock, Secretary