Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes: Thursday, January 16, 2025

Rockingham Free Public Library
Board of Trustees Draft Minutes
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Present: Margo Ghia (Chair), Carol Blackwood, Mike Sola, Martha Rowley, Ginger Driscoll,
Ryan Coyne, Ginny Massucco, Ian Graham (Director)
Absent: Mary McCallum, Bonnie North

Click here to download a pdf of these minutes

Click here to listen to the audio of the meeting

1. Call to Order
Chair M.Ghia called meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.

2. Additions to Agenda for routine administrative matters and/or pressing matters that will require ratification at a future meeting: None

3. Public Comment (3 minutes per person): None

4. Approve minutes from December 5, 2024
Moved by C. Blackwood, seconded by M. Rowley. Motion passed unanimously.

5. Library Director’s mid-year budget update
Director reported that at the half-way point through the budget year, everything looks on track. He reported that the Friends of the Library raised more than $10,000 through the direct
appeal this year. He also reported that the library has received notice that a generous $25,000 bequest to the RFPL may be forthcoming.

6. Annual statistics
Director reported that numbers of library users remains steady. He spoke about the library’s holdings, annual visits, library programming and attendance. The DVD collection continues to be popular with patrons and he will continue to build it; computer usage has tripled during the past year, with 22,000 more wireless connections this year than last.

7. Upcoming RFPL Trustee board election in March, 2025
Director reported that there are several petitions circulating for the 5 seats which will be open on Town Meeting Day. Current trustees G. Driscoll, R. Coyne, M.Ghia, B. North, and C. Blackwood have taken out petitions to run. Current trustee M. McCallum intends to finish the first year of her term, and then will resign her seat, effective March 15, 2025.

8. RFPL Meeting Room discussion
This discussion came to light because it was discussed at a RFPL Policy Committee meeting, and was focused on whether a private group would be able to use the meeting room privately, with doors closed to others.

Policy committee member, M. Ghia, reported that the current Operational Policy includes a specific “Meeting Room Policy” which states:
2. People and organizations may request the use of the meeting room. Meetings must be free, open to the public, and of a cultural or civic nature.”
M. Ghia suggested that in the future, if someone wishes to review this policy, the board of trustees will take up the matter at that time.

9. Other Business: none

10. Review action items, propose agenda items for next meeting

Bylaws discussion re: number of trustees serving on the board (currently by-laws call for 9 trustees)

Next meeting: Election of officers for this Board of Trustees

Next meeting: March 20, 2025

11. Adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Ginny Massucco