Special Meeting of Board of Trustees
Rockingham Free Public Library
Tuesday, January 21st, 2014
Time and Place: 4:30 p.m. at RFPL Meeting Room
Staff in attendance: Emily Zervas
Public attendees: Arnold Clift, Betty Haggerty, Celina Houlne, David DeRusha, Ian Ludders, David Gould, and Joel Love.
Press in attendance: Domenic Poli (Brattleboro Reformer)
1. Call to Order 4:39 by Jan Mitchell-Love
2. Public comment: None.
3. Second floor security update: Emily with rekeying expense information and possible lockout: No update as of yet. Emily has not received calls back.
4. Hiring Search Committee for new director: Personnel Committee presents list of interested possible members: The Personnel Committee suggested the following committee: Jan Mitchell-Love, Laura Senes, Pat Fowler, David Gould, Heidi Lucas-Moccia, Torin Brooks, Barbara Ternes and Amy Howlett will also advise. Alternates include Cathy Bergman, Jeremy from J & H Hardware who is thinking about it, and the Personnel Committee is still seeking a volunteer from Chroma. The Personnel Committee requested the staff compile a list of possible interview questions. It was decided the board would also like to see one staff member be a non-voting member of the Hiring Search Committee. Arnold Clift presented the board with a public records request to see the applications. Other members of the board also stated they would like to see the applications. Confidentiality of applicant information was discussed. Deb Wright made a motion that the Board accept the list for the Hiring Search Committee as presented by the Personnel Committee with the addition of one staff member, to be decided by Emily Zervas and Sam Maskell. This motion, seconded by Paige Pietrzak, passed with 7 in favor, none opposed.
5:26 pm. Carolyn Frisa leaves.
5. Work session by trustees on trustees’ bylaws: finished last bylaw under Policy Committee A and tried to work through Committee B’s recommendations: Bylaws VIII-X discussed, possible changes recorded by Jan Mitchell-Love.
6. Schedule next work session: Next work session will be on February 4, 2014 at 4:30 pm in the RFPL meeting room. Discussion will begin with Bylaw XI.
7. Executive session (if necessary): None
8. Adjourn: Motion to adjourn by Elayne Clift at 6:12 pm, seconded by Paige Pietrzak, passed with all in favor at 6:12 pm.
These minutes respectfully submitted by Laura Senes on January 26, 2014.