Rockingham Free Public Library
Tuesday, February 25th, 2014 Time and Place: 4:00 p.m. at RFPL Meeting Room
Attendees: Board – Hope Brisette, Elayne Clift, Pat Fowler, Carolyn Frisa, Jan Mitchel-Love, Ray Massucco, Paige Pietrzak, Laura Senes (phone), Deb Wright. Staff: Samantha Maskell, Mary Van Hartesveldt, Emily Zervas. Public – Arnold Clift, David deRusha, Steve Geller, David Gould, Célina Houlné, Sue Lampe-Wilson, Joel Love, Donna Stevens. Press: Chris Garafolo, Dominic Poli, Susan Smallheer, Brian Bashaw filming for FACT TV
1. Call to Order at 4pm
2. Community Search Committee: report and recommendation. No recommendation at this time after interviewing 3 of the 5 candidates from the pool of 19. Elayne Clift made a motion that no actions or decisions for a director or interim director be made by this current board but that we should notify the current applicants that they were not successful. Yes: Clift, Massuco, Frisa Fowler. No: Wright, Mitchell- Love, Brisette, Pietrzak. Motion failed. Pat Fowler made a motion that the Chair of the Search Committee notify the current job applicants that they did not match our needs at this time. Seconded by Frisa. All voted in favor. Pat Fowler moved that we re-run the ad in the ALA and other places through March 31 with applications due on April 11th. Massucco seconded. Clift opposed, 8 other trustees in favor, Motion Passed.
Laura Senes left the meeting at 5pm
3. Public comment: none
4. Buildings and Grounds: emergency item: ice is building up on the roof on the north side of building discovered by Eric Clark. Emily Zervas and the Building Committee were directed by the Trustees to solve the problem. Emily will ask the Town not to plow the sidewalk in front on the side and cones and “Danger” signage will be placed.
5. Work session by trustees on trustees’ bylaws- changes were made by the Board with suggestions included from the audience.
6. Executive session: none
7. Schedule next work session and/or pass on results to new board – bylaws work concluded. Draft Bylaws will be passed on to the new Board. Brisette and Pietrzak left the meeting.
8. Prior to adjournment, Carolyn Frisa made a motion that the Board of Trustees hold an organizational meeting on March 5th. (not on agenda, so not a legal motion) Yes: Clift, Frisa, Fowler, Massucco. No: Mitchell-Love, Wright. Motion failed.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:44pm Submitted by Pat Fowler