Personnel Committee Meeting
Minutes June 3, 2014
6:00 PM RFPL Meeting Room
Click here to download a .pdf of these minutes.
Committee Members in Attendance: David Gould, Pat Fowler, Doreen Aldrich, and Carolyn Frisa. Invited Guests: Steve Ankuda, Celina Houlné, and Richard Bowen. Members of the Public: Steve Geller.
Chairman Gould called the meeting to order at 6:04pm. He explained the outline for this meeting -- Enter executive session with Ankuda to review the most recent draft of the Library Director contract and discuss previous response from Houlné and Bowen; invite Houlné and Bowen to briefly address the committee; and ask Houlné and Bowen to leave Executive Session so the Committee can continue discussion with Ankuda with the hope a final draft of the contract will be generated for presentation to the full Board of Trustees for review on June 10, 2014 at the Regular Monthly Meeting.
Public comment was made by Steve Geller (limited to 3 minutes) in which he shared his thoughts on the process for developing a mutually beneficial and successful contract between the RFPL Trustees and the Library Director.
Fowler moved to enter Executive Session with Ankuda for the purpose of discussing the Library Director’s contract for Celina. The motion was seconded by Aldrich and carried unanimously. Executive Session entered at 6:09pm. Houlné and Bowen were invited into Executive Session at 7:01pm and left Executive Session at 7:45pm. The Committee came out of Executive Session at 7:55pm.
Fowler moved that the Committee ask Ankuda to make the revisions to the Library Director’s contract as discussed and generate a final draft to be presented to the full Board of Trustees for review at their regular monthly meeting on June 10, 2014. The motion was seconded by Aldrich and carried unanimously.
Frisa motioned moved to adjourn at 8:00pm, seconded by Aldrich, and carried unanimously.
Draft minutes respectfully submitted on June 8, 2014 by Secretary Frisa.