Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes: Thursday, July 12, 2012

4:00 PM

In Attendance: Jan Mitchell-Love, Hope Brissette, Laura Senes, Duane Whitehead, Steven Fuller, Deb Wright, Carolyn Frisa, Debbi Wetzel, and Célina Houlné

AGENDA: Called to order 4:05pm.

1. Additions or changes to agenda-Change to the agenda to cover the renovation project update first, and then will cover the director’s monthly report.

2. Public comment (3 minutes in person)-None

3. Approve Minutes of Board Meeting – June 14, 2012:
• Change to record presence of Steve Fuller. Motion to amend and approve minutes passed unanimously.

4. Renovation Project Update
• Fire Chief William Weston attends to discuss his recommendation of installing a municipal master alarm box. The advantage of this system is that the fire department is contacted directly. Other alarm systems go through a second party before reaching the fire department. The fire chief recommends his system, but agrees that as long as the system used meets UL requirements it would be adequate. A motion was made to not accept the master box recommendation. This motion passed with 7 votes in favor, and one opposed.
• Jason was in attendance by phone to answer questions about changes regarding the scope of the window work at the 1909 and 1929 sections of the building. These changes will be made at no additional cost. A motion was made to accept Baybutt’s proposal, with a change that the new replacement windows match the present design of the 1929 windows. The motion passed unanimously.
• Hope will begin attending renovation committee meetings, in addition to Duane. A motion was made that Duane will continue to be a primary signer to approve of needed changes under $5,000. Hope will be a secondary signer if Duane is not present. This motion passed unanimously.
• Discussion on whether the library should request subcontractor lean waivers from Baybutt, and if so, for jobs over what dollar amount. Celina has a call in to the town attorney for a recommendation, and she will forward this response to the board. This will be discussed again at the next meeting.
• Celina is the contact person for construction meeting notes. She will forward these minutes to trustees. Any responses or questions should go through Celina.
• The insulation in the roof is almost done. Installation of the front lift begins tomorrow, and will be tested early next week.

5. Director’s Monthly Report & Financial Report
• Celina is still waiting for the final end of year figures.
• There is a poetry workshop coming up on Wed. at 7 pm.
• The next Friends of the Library meeting is Monday at 9 pm.
• We received our first donation of the year, from Michael Obuchowski.
• We are getting a banner that says “Open During Renovation.”

6. Committee Reports and Issues
a. Policy-Nothing to report
b. Building-Nothing to report
c. Historical Collection-Nothing to report
d. Communications – Fundraising
• There are only 9 tickets left for the trip to NYC. We also have 6 seats on the bus we can sell.
• Next fundraising meeting will be August 7th. The time is still to be determined.
e. Finance-Nothing to report
f. Personnel – Director’s evaluation-Individual trustee evaluations are being compiled, and written up for presentation to Celina. The final draft will be ready for the board in August.

7. Review Agenda Items for next meeting and set date.
• Next meeting August 9th at 4 pm at the library.

8. Executive Session – Personnel Issue- Motion was made to enter executive session, which passed unanimously. Executive session begins 6:30. Motion was made to leave executive session, which passed unanimously. Executive session ends 7:08.

9. Adjourn-Move to adjourn meeting approved unanimously at 7:10.