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Others: No public and no press present
Call to Order: Chairperson, Blackwood, called the meeting to order at 6:23 p.m.
Additions or Changes to Agenda: None
Public Comment (3 minutes per person): No comments
Minutes of July 29, 2014: Motion by Frisa to accept the Minutes of July 29th as printed and seconded by Massucco. The motion carried.
Finalization of Proposed Changes to Bylaws to be Presented to Full Board at Sept. Mtg:
Blackwood explained that we would have to work from the previous document as the newest version of changes that she forwarded to the library couldn’t be opened.
The committee commenced looking at each article and suggested changes where they thought it was needed. Most changes were to correct grammar, add or delete where sentences were not clear, i.e. ARTICLE I, line 4, Aldrich suggested “New Trustees shall take an oath of office immediately upon entering the duties of their office.” ARTICLE XII was renamed “Library Policies instead of “Operational Policy Manual”. ARTICLE XVI was renamed “Bylaw Amendments” instead of “Amendments”.
Blackwood advised that she would get the changes made promptly and email to all committee members before presenting it to the full board of library trustees.
At 8:45 p.m., Massucco moved to adjourn; seconded by Frisa. The motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,___________________________ 9/3/2014
Doreen Aldrich