Rockingham Free Public Library
Personnel Committee Meeting Draft Minutes
December 15, 2014 at 5:00pm, RFPL Youth Department Program Room
Click here to download a .pdf of these minutes PC_12_15_2014_DraftMinutes
Committee Members in Attendance: Carol Blackwood, Carolyn Frisa, and Pat Fowler. (Doreen Aldrich was absent)
Library Personnel: Célina Houlné (Library Director)
Members of the Public: Steve Geller, Elayne Clift, Arnold Clift.
Call to Order: Chairman Blackwood called the meeting to order at 5:15pm.
Public Comment: Elayne and Arnold Clift enquired about when public comments could be made in the meeting and encouraged the Chair to allow comments to be made throughout the meeting.
Additions/Approval of Agenda: Minutes from the November 20, 2014 will be reviewed at the next meeting since there are not enough committee members present who also attended that meeting.
Review of current library personnel and budget: The committee discussed current and future staffing needs, including the duties filled by the Reference Services and Historical Collections Librarian position. Director Célina Houlné provided the committee with a current job description for this position. The general consensus of the committee was that this position is integral to maintaining the current services the library provides its patrons. The requirement for maintaining this position in regards to the recently received grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the high demand for reference questions/services, need to continue responsible care of the historical collections, and the need for in-house technology assistance were discussed. Members of the public also spoke in support of keeping the full time Reference Services and Historical Collections Librarian position.
Executive Session: Frisa moved to enter executive session at 6:03pm to discuss the library director’s contract and conduct the monthly performance review. The committee came out of executive session at 6:32pm and no action was taken.
New Business: Blackwood told the committee the next project for the committee will be to develop a procedure for the annual review of the library director.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:40pm.
Respectfully submitted by Carolyn Frisa, Committee Secretary, December 18, 2014.