Minutes of RFPL Buildings & Grounds Committee
April 13, 2015, 5:00 PM
Youth Meeting Room, RFPL
Click here to download a .pdf of these DRAFT Minutes: Buildings and grounds 4-13-15
Those Present: Ray Massucco, Doreen Aldrich, David Gould, and Celina Houlne, Library Director
Call to Order by Temporary Chair Gould at 5:00 PM
Additions to Agenda:
Custodian Bob Patch has resigned due to health issues. Houlne will be seeking a new custodian with possible assistance from Don Hasham, who does the Town Hall.
Gould has submitted his Letter of Resignation from the RFPL Board of Trustees effective April 28, 2015. He will not be at that meeting because he is undergoing surgery that day.
Eric Clark has reported that Deb and Cass Wright’s dog continues to urinate and defecate against the Library building and on the Library grounds without any attempt to clean up. Eric to be invited to the next Board meeting to explain the situation and seek remedies.
There was no election of Committee Officers – it was determined to wait until a new B & G Committee member can be named.
There were no previous minutes to approve – there has not been a B & G Committee meeting for over one year.
Following a discussion of Exterior and Interior Building Projects, the committee, by consensus established the following priorities:
* Exterior – Landscaping behind the building; Solar panels; and Flat roof replacement.
* Interior – Insulate staff office ceilings; Door lock replacements; Lighting for youth circulation desk; and Locked shelving for local historical collection.
* Celina suggested that a portion of the Whitcomb Fund be used to complete some of the projects. Approximately $11,000 has been used to date leaving $14,000. Her recommendations include: The landscaping behind the building ($7500?); repair the existing sign ($375?); and obtaining locks for the Historical Collection Display Cabinets ($850?) By consensus the B & G
committee agreed with these recommendations and will present them to the Board of Trustees on April 28, 2015.
Celina further recommendation that new door locks; the flat roof repair; solar panels be financed by future Capital Fund Campaigns.
During the Landscaping discussion Celina stated that during her previous attempts to get bids, Scott Bolotin stated that existing landscaping plans call for Sumac, while being a native plant is very invasive and probably not best suited for our purposes. Celina will continue to obtain
landscaping bids with the understanding that any change in the landscaping plans must be approved by the Planning Commission.
The committee felt that the construction of a fence around the HVAC unit should be dropped at this time.
The next B & G Committee meeting will be set following the Trustees meeting of April 28, 2015.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 PM
David Gould, Temporary Secretary
Submitted on April 15, 2015