Rockingham Free Public Library
Personnel Committee Meeting Minutes
June 9, 2015, 5:00PM. RFPL Youth Department Program Room
Committee members present: Carol Blackwood (Chair), Pat Fowler, John Bohannon, Karin Fischer (left 5:45PM)
Library personnel present: Celina Houlné (Library Director)
Members of the public present: None
- The meeting was called to order at 5:15PM by Blackwood.
- There was no change to the agenda.
- There was no public comment.
- The minutes of the meeting of May 11th were approved.
- The committee discussed the process for the annual evaluation of the Library Director. The evaluation form was returned to Blackwood with some minor revisions. She will include these in the final version to be completed by the June Board meeting. It was agreed that the timeline for completing the evaluation is as follows:
- June Board meeting: The Personnel Committee presents the final form and procedure for the evaluation to the Board for consideration. Comments are submitted verbally prior to the next Personnel Committee (July 21st) to the Committee Chair, Blackwood.
- July or August Board meeting: Board approves the form and procedure.
- First week of September: The evaluation forms with instructions are distributed to all evaluators (Board, library staff, community members) and to the Director. (These will be picked up at the library and returned there.)
- Mid September: Evaluations are returned to the library, processed and reviewed by the Personnel Committee.
- October committee meeting: Personnel Committee prepares draft statistical and narrative evaluation. (Individual committee members prepare draft comments prior to the meeting.)
- October Board meeting: Board reviews input from evaluators, reviews and approves evaluation, and reviews the Director’s self-evaluation; the Director receives a copy of the evaluation. (Board members come early and read the evaluations before the meeting.)
- November or December Board meeting: The Director submits her written response to the evaluation. The Board votes on hiring the Director for the next year.
- Review of tasks: Blackwood will complete the revision of the evaluation form for submission to the Board at its next meeting. Bohannon will type up the procedures for completing this year’s evaluation. (See paragraph 5 above.)
- The committee, with the Director, entered into executive session at 6:56PM to discuss the Library Director’s contract and conduct the monthly performance review. The committee came out of executive session at 6:58PM.
- There was no new business brought before the committee.
- The next meeting is on July 21st at 5:00PM at the RFPL.
- The meeting adjourned at 7:00PM.
Respectfully submitted by John Bohannon, Committee Secretary, June 9, 2015.