4:00 PM
In Attendance: Jan Mitchel-Love, Hope Brisette, Laura Senes, Duane Whitehead, David Buckley, Deb Wright, Deb Wetzel, and Célina Houlné.
AGENDA: Called to order 4:10
1. Additions or changes to agenda: None
2. Public comment (3 minutes in person): none
3. Approve Minutes of Board Meeting – September 13, 2012
• Motion to table approval of minutes to allow Caroline an opportunity to resubmit minutes if she wants. Motion approved unanimously.
4. Director’s Monthly Report & Financial Report
• Celina Houlne reviewed the director’s report. Fall programs have begun. 65 people came out to the Star Wars Reads day, and the Eagle Times covered this event. The Banned Books week was observed and broadcast on FACT-TV. Celina also solicited questions on the financial report.
5. Committee Reports and Issues
a. Policy: none
b. Building: Hope asked about having the masonry of the chimney looked at. Celina will ask Jason LaCombe about this so he can be prepared to address this at next Tuesday’s construction meeting.
c. Historical Collection: The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for next Thursday at 3:00.
d. Communications – Fundraising: The committee just had a meeting. The New York City trip is sold out, with just four seats left on the bus to sell. This trip will make a profit of about $2000. For the holidays, the open house is scheduled for December 8. There will also be a staff appreciation breakfast paid for by the Friends of the library. The volunteers will receive gift baskets. The Friends are also hosting the cocktails for a cause event next Thursday at Popolo’s.
e. Renovation: David reports that the furniture committee met with the company representative, who will get back to the committee with more information.
f. Finance: Celina is presently working on the budget for FY14. She also pointed out that the financial reports have been improved to include percentages of the budget spent.
g. Personnel: Laura Senes made a motion to pass Celina Houlne’s personnel evaluation. The motion was approved unanimously. Celina will write a response that will be included with the evaluation in her file.
6. Renovation Project Update
• David Buckley made a motion we ask each party involved in the renovation project to pay 1/3rd of the additional payment requested by the architects. This motion was tabled. David read the contract, which states that the architects are contracted to work for 20 months from when the contract was signed. This differs from the letter received by from the architects. The board authorized David Buckley to call Eric Palson to clarify this issue.
• A motion was made to approve the change orders for removal of the cement wall and to sheetrock the wall in the children’s room. The motion was passed unanimously.
7. Fundraising Committee Update
• The fundraising committee met and will be looking into getting donations from foundations connected with Vermont, and with an interest in libraries. They are also requesting all members of the board of trustees of the library financially contribute.
8. Review Agenda Items for next meeting and set date: Review of the agenda items deferred at this time. Next meeting set for November 8 at 4:00.
9. Adjourn: Move to adjourn meeting approved unanimously at 5:40.