Policy Committee Special Meeting Minutes: November 3, 2015

Board of Trustees

Special Policy Committee Meeting Minutes

November 3, 2015

5:30 PM

Click here to download a .pdf of these minutes:  RFPL Special Policy Committee Mtg Nov 3 2015 Minutes

Present: Martha Rowley, Chairperson; Doreen Aldrich, L. Raymond Massucco & Ellen Taetzsch, Committee Members


Call to Order: Chairperson Rowley opened the meeting at 5:35 p. m.


Additions to the Agenda for routine administrative matters and/or pressing matters that will require ratification at a future meeting: None


Public Comment (3 minutes per person): None


Approve Minutes of Oct. 8, 2015 Meeting: Massucco moved to accept as printed, seconded by Taetzsch. The motion carried.


Review of Sick Leave Benefits: Director Houlne submitted a report giving the history of the sick leave policy which was taken away from part-time staff for 28 months covering the period Jul, 2013 through October 2015. It wasn’t taken away from full-time employees. The Finance Office at Town Hall confirmed there are no extra filings required with IRS or changes to FICA. Sick time carries over year to year until the employee terminates his/her employment. Upon termination, any accrued time is lost. The Director’s recommendation was to re-instate this policy. Massucco was in favor; but had two issues. For the sake of discussion, Taetzsch moved to recommend to the full board that the pro-rated sick leave be retroactive to 2013 and Aldrich seconded the motion. Massucco asked if this policy put anyone over the cap. Houlne said she didn’t think so. She checked and it does not. Massucco then pointed out that Anne Dempsey wasn’t hired until 2014 and shouldn’t benefit from it because when she was hired, she didn’t have that benefit. After discussion, Massucco moved to amend the motion exempting Anne Dempsey from being eligible for back benefits for the reason stated. Taetzsch & Aldrich accepted the amendment and the amended motion passed.


New Business: None


Set Date for Next Meeting and Review Agenda Items: Not necessary at this time.


Review Tasks: Review the Personnel Rules after current union negotiations.


Executive Session: Not necessary


Adjourn: Aldrich moved to adjourn at 5:55 p.m.


Respectfully submitted_________________________11/6/2015

Doreen Aldrich