17 November 2015
6:15 PM
Top Floor Meeting Room
Click here to download a .pdf of these minutes: RFPLboard11-17-15
Trustees Present: Carol Blackwood, Chair; Doreen Aldrich, John Bohannon, Karin Fischer, Pat Fowler, Leslie Lassetter, Ray Massucco , Martha Rowley, Ellen Taetzsch
Library Personnel Present: Celina Houlne, Director
Members of the Public Present: none
- Call to order 6:23 pm
- Additions to the agenda that will require ratification at a future meeting: Clarification needed by VMERS for administrative purposes.
- No public comment
- Approve minutes of 3 Nov Special and 27 Oct 2015 meetings: Aldrich moved to approve, Massucco seconded, minutes unanimously approved.
- Trustees asked to look over lists for annual appeal letter and plan time to help with signing. Trustees asked to donate items and sell raffle tickets for Holiday Party on 5 Dec.
- Director’s Report: In addition to items in report, statistics for state have been compiled and submitted. Staff is getting new email addresses based on their position rather than their names.
- Committee Reports:
Finance: Fowler moved and Lassetter seconded an increase in the non-resident fee for a library card to $60.00 per year starting 1 January 2016. Motion passes unanimously.
Building and Grounds: Waiting for more detailed bids regarding roof repairs. Celina will encourage contractors to respond promptly so that figures can be written up in preparation for town meeting.
Policy: Rowley moved to retro-actively reinstate pro-rated sick time for the five part-time employees who were employed with the library at the time that this benefit was suspended. Lassetter voted in opposition, Rowley abstained, all others voted in favor. Motion passed.
- New Business: For administrative purposes, trustees are being asked to take up the following motion at the next meeting: That the Library will continue to participate in the Pension B Plan of the Vermont Municipal Employees’ Retirement program, known as VMERS, which is currently administered by the Town of Rockingham, and will continue to do so if the Library is found to be a separate entity from the Town.
- Next meeting is 15 Dec 15, if needed, otherwise 26 Jan 16.
- Executive Session: Bohannon moved that the board enter into executive session to discuss contracts, labor relations, agreements with employees, arbitration, mediation, grievances, civil actions or prosecutions by the state where premature general public knowledge would clearly place the RFPL at a substantial disadvantage, and that Library Director Celina Houlne be invited to attend. Fowler seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Upon leaving executive session Fowler moved and Lassetter seconded to continue Houlne’s contract as Library Director. The motion was unanimously approved.
- Library Director Evaluation Finalization: Director will have an opportunity to respond to evaluation at a future meeting.
- Review tasks: Library is on Select Board Agenda for December 1st.
Party donations, rattle ticked sales and help with appeal letter will be needed.
- At 7:38 pm Aldrich moved to adjourn, Bohannon seconded.
Respectfully submitted by Karin Fischer 11/22/15